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Warning to everyone who uses the mod "Real Roads for Skyrim"


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EDIT: I was wrong. I tested it out on a 100% Vanilla game with only this mod activated and it worked without problems. But with my modded 360 mods skyrim it was infact this mod that caused the issue so I guess there were some sort of incompability.

Edited by morogoth35
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You have something else going on here mate - it's not this mod which only replaces the static meshes for the roads and does absolutely nothing else. There is a possibility you have another mod that is affected by this statics replacement but I cannot imagine what.

Before you blame a mod for doing something in your game you need to (1) load it on its own with vanilla skyrim and DLC's and check it with a clean save. Then and only then (2) you should ask for advice on your problem. You should not trash a mod (particulalry one with 8000 endorsements) before going through these 2 steps.

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Oh, how do I love those short-sighted users. lol


They can't see that mods have some 120,000 unique dls.

They don't know how to use the forum search function (so they have no idea that no one else has ever reported such problem before)


But they know FOR A FACT that it is all this one mod's fault.



Dude, even if you WERE right, your outburst here is totally out of scale. You are acting as if this mod corrupts saves, or injects a virus. Not like there is a possible mod incompatibility (if at all).

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