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Moving the van in PreWar Sanc kills house walls

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I need to ask. Cant find the information anywhere. When you're rotating an object, how do you rotate it with finer control? The regular right click drag is very choppy. Once I found information on what button to hold down while rotating to get finer control. Didn't bookmark it, so I've lost it. Anyone remember what it is?

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After a lot of searching, it turns out that it's the hard-coded Mouse4 button. Well turds. My mouse only has 3 buttons. Dammit! Now I have to buy a new mouse. Ughhhhhh. Lol


Also, I don't suppose anyone has figured out how to prevent the warnings dialog box from spamming on top of every window every 3 seconds, in the 1.8.x version of Fallout 4 Creation Kit?

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I have a tutorial for doing precombining and generating visibility with the CK. As far as the warning panel goes... I shrink it down until it's just a bar with the minimize/close buttons, and stick it below my object window.


I know that I am horrible at making videos, and it's like 40 minutes long, but it covers the basics, and how to make compatibility patches. You can probably skip the last like 5-10 minutes where I talk about load order. I should probably edit it down a bit more...

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