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Keyboard/Mouse and Controller


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To whomever it may concern,


I usually play Fallout 3 with a wired Xbox 360 controller. However, I was wondering if it was possible to have both the Xbox controller and the keyboard activated at the same time. That way, I don't have to keep unplugging my controller in order to use console commands, which tends to get annoying after a while. I noticed that for Skyrim, this has been solved, as I can access the console in it while leaving my controller plugged in, but this might be due to a different Game Engine. Any suggestions? I'd use Xpadder, but then whenever I am in a menu I'd have to either use the mouse or set it to the joysticks on my controller, which would be even more difficult to manage.





Gray Wolf 04

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fairly sure theres no solution, and because of the hopeless mouse acceleration when its mapped to a joystick makes remapping the whole controller with xpadder more trouble than its worth. oh and the console key also worked on Oblivion with a controller connected
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