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29th January - creation kit speculations


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I'll sit over here, enjoy my Skyrim, and not waste my breath cursing a company doing a lot more than you ever could.


For someone who doesn't want to waste his breath you sure are talking a lot. What is this fantastic company doing for us, apart from taking money from us, breaking promises and forcing us to install third-party crapware nobody wants?


Edit: Oh, great... http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/545794-steam-update/

Edited by NordicMist
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Yes I just saw the steam update as well

This is what bethesda said:

We really appreciate the feedback from our Steam Beta. We anticipate the 1.4 update going live this week for all on the PC and being sent to the console manufacturers. The Creation Kit won’t be far behind.


Where have I heard that last part before? Oh yes that right, its the same thing ive been hearing since 11/11/11


Bethesda Addinfamy +1

Edited by thelonewarrior
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FlyingHigh10000000 you did a nice job of offending several of us. I don't live where I can run down to the corner software store and buy the game on disc. I had to buy it through Steam download. But just as soon as I activated it I set a rule in the firewall to not connect to Steam. Then set a pointer for the game to look at my local running Steam server. Been doing this for years with many many titles from Steam. It is not illegal nor copyright infringing. Do I like Steam? They are OK for content purchase but I think the whole thing about needing to be connected to them to play bites ass. Many of us live in countries where stable and reliable connection to the internet isn't available. So we have no choice but to find work arounds. As for integrating the CK with Steam Workshop or whatever it is I see no reason for that either. In fact they should release 2 versions of the CK so those that want to publish to Steam can and those that don't wish to won't have the option in their version of the CK.


So before you go accusing people of breaking the law why don't you go a troll on Beth's official forums and see how long you last before you get banned. In fact I am kind of hoping the mods look at your offensive opinion and ban you from here.


By the way Ginny and Lonewarrior +1 to your posts. :thumbsup:

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"In fact I am kind of hoping the mods look at your offensive opinion and ban you from here."


If anyone with an offensive opinion was banned, there wouldn't be a lot of people here. As it is, the only reason I even bother coming back here is to fire back at the people ranting at this fictional company, "Bugthesda" acting like they could do so much better. I'm not trolling, either. Tired of the kids around here screaming because they don't get what they want, right away. If you're that upset, send an email to Bethesda. Crying about it on a forum that supports Bethesda isn't going to do much, other than get people like me laughing.


As for "So we have no choice but to find work arounds."


I'm pretty sure Steam's terms of service distinctly prohibit "workarounds" to using the actual Steam service, no matter what country you're in.

Edited by FlyingHigh10000000
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As it is, the only reason I even bother coming back here is to fire back at the people ranting at this fictional company, "Bugthesda" acting like they could do so much better. I'm not trolling, either. Tired of the kids around here screaming because they don't get what they want, right away. If you're that upset, send an email to Bethesda. Crying about it on a forum that supports Bethesda isn't going to do much, other than get people like me laughing.

Sooooo... You're the self appointed White Knight of Bethesda? :whistling:

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As it is, the only reason I even bother coming back here is to fire back at the people ranting at this fictional company, "Bugthesda" acting like they could do so much better. I'm not trolling, either. Tired of the kids around here screaming because they don't get what they want, right away. If you're that upset, send an email to Bethesda. Crying about it on a forum that supports Bethesda isn't going to do much, other than get people like me laughing.

Sooooo... You're the self appointed White Knight of Bethesda? :whistling:


Nope. Just a bored civilian taking the opportunity to point out that being against integration with the very software required to run Skyrim(You have to have Steam running to launch Skyrim, and you have to have the latest version if you have an internet connection, which you needed to download the game to begin with) really does make someone look like they're against legally playing the game, especially when they mention "workarounds" to having Steam online.

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"In fact I am kind of hoping the mods look at your offensive opinion and ban you from here."


If anyone with an offensive opinion was banned, there wouldn't be a lot of people here. As it is, the only reason I even bother coming back here is to fire back at the people ranting at this fictional company, "Bugthesda" acting like they could do so much better. I'm not trolling, either. Tired of the kids around here screaming because they don't get what they want, right away. If you're that upset, send an email to Bethesda. Crying about it on a forum that supports Bethesda isn't going to do much, other than get people like me laughing.


As for "So we have no choice but to find work arounds."


I'm pretty sure Steam's terms of service distinctly prohibit "workarounds" to using the actual Steam service, no matter what country you're in.


Really, so basically your saying that if steam wont let you play a game then you should take it and not play the game you just bought, because they decided you cant for a stupid reason rather than find a way to play the game you paid good money for.

Theres nothing illegal about setting steam to offline mode and not connecting to the internet, so theres nothing wrong with the guy who posted that.

People are not going to sit around and wait for hours and hours (for those with poor internet connections, I for one have that problem at the moment),


Ive said this before, but what if it was your music? Your TV?

I think if steam took over those and you get in from a long day at work and wait.....

'Your music is unavalible at this time'

'You can not watch TV at this time'

'Sorry you need an internet connection to use your oven, prepare to starve to death while we update steam for you'

If that was the case you would be the one complaining with us.

That might sound the top end of extreme, but if everything was wired into something like steam the forums everywhere would crash with an overload of complaints

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I see this rapidly spiraling from a discussion/debate to a series of personal attacks.




Start another and your account will pay the price.




P.S. I find most of the posts here offensive.

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Agreed. Enough is ENOUGH.

If some of you are going to go acting like children, it's going to be time for some spankings.

Be warned on that.


We do NOT go throwing accusations of piracy support here on the nexus sites. AND we do NOT go sparking each other off trying to get somebody banned.

Trolling is trolling and it's a sure fire way to get yourself right out the door around here. Especially you repeat offenders. Enough is enough.

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