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Whats actually good about Skyrim?


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This isn't a multiplayer game or MMO. The story does eventually come to an ending... I really don't get what people are irritated about. It would be a damn sad few years in the gaming industry without Skyrim lol.


This would be what people are irritated about. The fact that everywhere we turn we see decent or good RPGs selling their souls to attract a more general, casual market. In other words, the fact that Skyrim is the diamond in the rut is what has people put off. Many of us who have been playing RPGs for decades find our favorite genre becoming a mix of action adventure and FPS. Even TES, which has been a bastion for RPG lovers for generations of gaming tech, is showing clear signs of dilution.


It's not the fact that the game came to an end, but that it did so without fulfilling the role playing part of RPG.


As for what's good about Skyrim... It depends. Are you asking where it improves upon previous ES titles or what is in it, when considered in a void, that is worth writing home about? If the former, very little. If the latter, quite a bit.

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Lets tone down the critisism towards the OP here shall we? He/She asked an honest question, politely. Some of the replies here are very unpolite and directly targeted towards the OPs decision to post a question here. This behaviour doesn't feel apropriate at all.


The things I enjoyed most about Skyrim ( I haven't played much though):

* The dirty world

* Dual wielding

* Mudcrabs

* The northern shores


The things I didn't enjoy:

Many of us who have been playing RPGs for decades find our favorite genre becoming a mix of action adventure and FPS. Even TES, which has been a bastion for RPG lovers for generations of gaming tech, is showing clear signs of dilution.
Edited by Gabbe_master
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Let's see. You've got flying mammoths, flying horses, NPC's falling from the sky, dragons flying backwards (I believe only on PS3), skeleton gliches, giants running a space program, quest bugs, texture gliches and ocasionally your character turns into rainbow colors. You gotta love those things, they make Bethesda games special.

I've played over 200 hours on a PC and I've never gotten ANY of those glitches, not even before the patches came out. I've gotten a couple of quest bugs, that's about it.

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So your depression and cry for help stems from your self loathing of fanboys who will over play a game because you can't find anything better to do? If the game is so bad, why keep playing? Why are you crawling back for a slap in the face (as you put it)?


I'm not sure where you've gotten the idea that I'm somehow depressed, or self loathing, or a fanboy who's overplayed the game. Then again, your first sentence was a grammatical travesty, so I'm really not sure what you meant. Also not sure how I could keep playing, seeing as I haven't touched it in since a week after release.


What I did ask for however, was for insight into what people find enjoyable about Skyrim. I personally got bored with it rather quickly, leaving the rather large possibility there were rather enjoyable bits I hadn't seen.


Seeing as your being rather offensive about this all, I would assume you have been playing for the last three months straight, and would welcome any insight you may have.


Your question was a rhetorical device phrased as a negative statement. Back-pedaling and rewording now contradicts your original post. Now, you're all trying to sound pleasant. Right.


Picking on grammer I don't find offense because when I was in college I could write for college. But in forums it's just annoying to see, especially since it's international.


To answer your last, I don't think Skyrim is a great game by most standards, such as in terms of experiences scripted by the developers. What I do think is that it's an excellent medium to RP in. Instead of trying to imagine an experience and story all in my own head, I do it in Skyrim. It's a good game, but whether or not it can be a great experience depends on something else.

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This isn't a multiplayer game or MMO. The story does eventually come to an ending... I really don't get what people are irritated about. It would be a damn sad few years in the gaming industry without Skyrim lol.


As for what's good about Skyrim... It depends. Are you asking where it improves upon previous ES titles or what is in it, when considered in a void, that is worth writing home about? If the former, very little. If the latter, quite a bit.


I really like the way you gather up flowers/herbal ingredients. Yes I know it's from an old mod, but i like that you can see you have already picked that "node". I love the dual wield implementation. I like the three speeds you can use(sprint/run/walk) which was not in previous games. Dragons are always nice.


And Blocky, imagine how great a few years it would be if Skyrim had not moved quite so far from its RPG predecessors. For the kind of gameplay you had with Oblivion or Morrowind, pretty much Skyrim was the only thing coming down the pike that would have been able to come close. But they took a wrong turn(IMO). The only thing resembling those games now is a few MMOs(minus all the other players). Sadly, the wanna-be elitist took that genre and turned it on it's head.

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Wow, OP, and many others, I tire so much of how f***ing negative and black & white you and some others think. I think it's pretty ridiculous that you make a thread asking people to tell you what's good about the game... if you can't think of it on your own, I suggest you play another game. Good hell.

Reading my mind again, are we?

Agreed, nate.


Sometimes I think this forum should be renamed from "General Discussion" to "General Complaining".

Right now we have 3 threads on the front page complaining about stuff.


I'm sorry people, but calling a company "Bugthesda" is just plain offensive. Without them, there wouldn't be any ES games at all.

If you have such gigantic problems with Skyrim that you can't even come up with a single good thing in it, go play modded Morrowind, you know, the ES game, made by "Bugthesda".


I'm trying to find the logic behind this but it eludes me.


If I were to call McDonalds 'McFat' in allusion to their fatty foods I would be 'being offensive' and should go eat at Subway? That's not even wrong. It's just a vacuous dismissal of a valid criticism.


Why do you, and others, feel the need to complain about the complaints? You have no argument, nothing to bring to the table. All you're doing is fanning flame wars for whatever reason you think you have. It's not helpful.


"This taste like crap."

"Then don't eat it and shut up."

"Hey, but you were supposed to make it better."

"Go make it better yourself"

"You're not helping."

"Help yourself."

and back and forth

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Let's see. You've got flying mammoths, flying horses, NPC's falling from the sky, dragons flying backwards (I believe only on PS3), skeleton gliches, giants running a space program, quest bugs, texture gliches and ocasionally your character turns into rainbow colors. You gotta love those things, they make Bethesda games special.

I've played over 200 hours on a PC and I've never gotten ANY of those glitches, not even before the patches came out. I've gotten a couple of quest bugs, that's about it.


You probably weren't using mods or cheating with the console much.


Seriously, I never really had many bugs either, no more than with other games.

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I don't understand. What is Beth "leaving up to modders"? This game blows away most games right out of the box. A big part of the sales was on the consoles too. Consoles aren't using mods.


Now some pc users may have bought the game with the intention of getting mods (or maybe even more specifically mods made by the creation kit). But that's an extra benefit. The game can obviously stand on its own without mods, as it does on consoles. What's good about Skyrim? Have you read any review in the past 2 months? Seriously. Nothing in the game feels anymore repetitive than any other game I've played: New Vegas, Arkham City, Dragon Age 2. The only bugs I've had were due to the exe not being 4gb aware.


This isn't a multiplayer game or MMO. The story does eventually come to an ending... I really don't get what people are irritated about. It would be a damn sad few years in the gaming industry without Skyrim lol.



Good idea too about finding a positive review. I highly recommend AngryJoe's review on YouTube. He's all love and no anger when reviewing this game. Kinda of cute. It's what got me interested.

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Good idea too about finding a positive review. I highly recommend AngryJoe's review on YouTube. He's all love and no anger when reviewing this game. Kinda of cute. It's what got me interested.


You too? AJ's review is what convinced me to get the game as well. He has a way of making uncritical acclaim convincing and entertaining. :yes:

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Good idea too about finding a positive review. I highly recommend AngryJoe's review on YouTube. He's all love and no anger when reviewing this game. Kinda of cute. It's what got me interested.


You too? AJ's review is what convinced me to get the game as well. He has a way of making uncritical acclaim convincing and entertaining. :yes:


And I'm pretty sure he's a completely independent reviewer. But, yeah, me too. Funny, I still was very skeptical, not expecting to like it myself. I agree with his dislikes yet don't always like what he likes, probably because I'm not that big of a gamer across so many genres as he seems to be.

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