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[LE] Creation Kit ERROR Woes

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About the Game only uses pex files, & the Kit only uses psc files?

I admit I'm self taught, but I am self taught in good way. Recently I decided to use Expired UIExtensions Mod, I wanted it's List Menu. Ignoring Expired worldly advise that it hard to use I set to. First I unpacked Source Codes from it's BSA & had a good read. Deciding the global scripts weren't for me, I didn't Esmify it & decided I'll link straight to UIListMenu Script dynamically. (like SkyUI sort of, so it's soft requirement) Added my properties in the form the old message boxes effect, presay.

I turn off the Kit, scripted & compiled with Sublime for in game testing reasons. Now I've use UILIB_1(SkyUILib by SkyUI Team) so it all happen pretty quick, soon I was in game testing the final product. Then I tweaked OnplayerLoad compatibility, if it finds UIExtensions use that, else use UILIB_1. But in my infinite wisdom, I reasoned, this needs a Clicky Sound, found the On Menu Activate Sound, my world fell apart, the ERROR messages from previous okay property values blew my mind! Fearfully I shut the Kit without Saving. Tested again in Game > It work Perfectly< What did I do to deserves this?? Reopened the KIt, same ERRORS. Only this time I read them, with my tail between my legs I UNPACKED THE UIEXTENSIONS PEX FILES.

Problem solved, no more Errors.

The Game only uses pex files, you can script & compile with only the psc, but the Kit uses & needs both, pex & psc of the Everything your Extending or Using. Very Important!

Hope this help someone, who like me is self taught, & doesn't know any better.

In case your interested, I am very happy with my clicky sound & my new one click user interface.

Edit typo; wisedom to wisdom

Edited by PeterMartyr
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