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Muskets/Flintlocks in Skyrim, What do you think?


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Hey guys..Posted this in the mod requests Section a few days ago. Just wondering what people would think about having a mod like this (flintlocks for NPC's use in general)? Think it would be fun and different twist or would it ruin the experience too much for you? I don't have any modding experience and I have idea what it would take to make it happen. Might do some research and see if I can make it happen myself.


P.S. All assets are free to use by the author since he is no longer modding. And also by the person who converted the mod to Skyrim SE. No permission necessary.

So I recently came across this particular mod on the nexus and I love it. http://www.nexusmods...ion/mods/8565/? (If the link doesn't work type Project Flintlock Redux in the search function of the nexus mods for Skyrim SE.) Especially the effects of the shot and impact of the rounds. I handed one off to my companion with some cartridges which you can make by hand at a smelter too and he was quite the shot! It made for a very fun experience, but it was sort of disappointing when no one else in the world could shoot back at us and we could get a taste of our own medicine. My question to you artists who make these amazing Mods for Skyrim is; Can you please replace the crossbow and bow with these rifles for almost everyone? In a list below is who I think should have access to them..

- Almost all Soldiers in the legion and Storm Cloak Army
- Most town Guards
- Some bandits and Bad guys (mixed between normal bows and rifles)
- A good mix of hunters (some prefer bows other prefer rifles)
- A mix of mercenaries for hire
- Only a Few towns folk and some farmers
- Available for purchase in most archery stores and some General traders
- Most likely Not any Morag Tong or Dark Brother hood (bows are stealthier)
- Not any Magical user ( Witches, Mages, Necromancers etc.)
- Very few forsworn? (Only say this because they attack caravans that may carry them..could totally be against lore though)
- Most Dawnguard Soldiers

Now obviously I would hope who ever takes this on would get the permissions of the original creator and possibly collaborate with them on it. I have zero experience so I am not sure if this would be a simple replacement mod or if this would be a very difficult task to undertake. I don't request any credit what so ever, I am just an Ideas man, I think of what would be pretty neat and ask the experts to try. I would think it would certainly give some extra flare and give a really neat twist to the game as well. I am sure it would happen eventually that Man Beast or Elf found the right combination of metals and ingredients to make the firearm a reality.

This Certainly isn't streamline lore friendly and it may ruin Skyrim for some but that is why we have the option not to use it. If your like me however and would love to see Skyrim advance their ranged weapons and hear the thunder of guns and smoke and shot whizzing past your head during battle than please put your modding talents towards this hopefully small and simple project!

Edited by ObviousNovice
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I found a mod that does this with crossbows, I sent him a Private Message in the hopes that he would be able to with just a simple Switch from his crossbows to your rifles. We shall see, it is certainly something I would like to see come to life.


Thank you btw ghosu for making it all happen with your mod in the original Skyrim! It's been always part of my mod list since I discovered it!





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