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I am in the process of making a mod centred around fruit and vegetable-related magic. I've called this Organomancy. Currently I have made these spells:


Conjure Exploding Potato (time bomb, Fire Damage version - see below)

Set Potato: sets the Potato which can then detonate with effects:

Detonate Potato: Fire damage effect, as if the potato were a bomb.

Organic Discharge: As above, but with shock damage.

Burdening Potato Discharge: As above, but with area-of-effect burden (can't seem to get this to work)

Potato Mania: As above, but with area-of-effect frenzy. Also cannot seem to get this to work. Must try to change the magnitude.

Potato of Silence: Area-of-effect silence on detonate.


Rain Spells: Credit to the people behind Varian's Discount Spells for the script and to More Vegetables for the new veg...

Aubergine Downpour

Pineapple Hail


Any other ideas? Rain spells? Potato effects? Any other sort of vegetable that could be useful in a spell?

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Thumbs up for coming up with something that nobody in their wildest imaginations would dream of. :D Not sure if it's a mod that I'd use permanently, but it would probably be worth messing around with especially if the effects are funny. Here's a few (mostly silly) ideas:


Carrot projectile - physical damage, chance to insta-kill (see the movie Shoot Em Up for inspiration)

Carrot vision - night-eye

Cabbage fart - area effect poison damage

Chili cloud - cause NPCs in affected area to run around randomly (blinded by stinging eyes of course)

Chlorophyll - recover health while in sunlight

Garlic breath - lowers personality

Halloween pumpkin - fear

Pineapple grenade - fire damage explosion?

Red Hot Chili Pepper - fire breath

Exploding Watermelon - no action movie is complete without it :D

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Cabbage fart - area effect poison damage

:laugh: That's hilarious! (unless you're the target)


Cucumber Crash - massive Drain Fatigue effect, causing the target to collapse.

Killer Tomato Attack - In Soviet Cyrodiil, tomato eats you.

Beet Brutality - Damage Health on target.

Beet Brawl - Damage Health area effect.

Popeye's Recipe - Fortify Strength on self.

Mustard Gas - Area poison effect.

Antipersonnel Artichoke - Area poison, fire damage & damage health.

Mango Mine - Proximity explosive fruit bomb.

Garlic Belch - Area effect poison (not as powerful as Cabbage Fart).

Onion Peel Assault - Demoralize target.

Grapes of Wrath - Severe damage health effect, chance of insta-kill.

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I like the pineapple grenade idea, and I am actually in the process of making a cantaloupe grenade. Cabbage fart - Funny, I suppose it could be done, but I am more interested in the veg themselves. Carrot projectile - could be done, I'll try. Currently in the process of making a Cucumber 2-Handed Blunt Weapon. Giant vegetables a la killer tomato attack - could be done with a summon spell. I got Burden Discharge and Potato Mania to work. Aubergine Downpour and Pineapple Hail now work. I have also created a "five-a-day" rain spell which rains potatoes, cucumbers, aubergines, pineapples, and storm carrots (carrots with their colours inverted so they appear a sort of light turquoise colour)

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There's no greater torture than death by Durian. Being hit by one is like being hit by a spiky watermelon... and the smell... AARGH THE SMELL!


And why did none of us think of the classic banana peel?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Pokegami: Looks like your last post went missing when the forum crashed. How are you going with your exploding pineapples and vegetable soup rain? Just curious because this is the funniest easily do-able idea I've seen in a while. :D
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I've made the potato spells PlaceAtMe/GetSelf functions so that the Havok updates and they don't float around in the air until somebody hits them (don't worry, I've also figured out a way to stop the potatoes spawning below the floor). Also - "I'm the man who's going to BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN! with the LEMONS!" Recognise the quote? Hopefully. Yes, really, I've added a combustible lemon to the game that DOES combust when hit with fire damage spells (although you have to be pretty accurate).
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