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Anyway to attach an object to an actor's node without rotating on its X or Y Axis?

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I have an object that needs to be level at all times but follow an actor's movements, only changing it's x, y, z coordinates and z rotation, leaving x and y at 0. Continuous moveto or translateto commands might be an option but I was wondering if there's a way to do it be default without continuous updates. I know humanoid actor's root node is generally level but this would be attached to a vertibird and i'm not sure if its root rotates, and will require more testing.

Edited by ZerasCETA
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i am very interested to learn what such an object might be.

My own mod fu is admittedly crap-tacular, though hopefully a more pro modder

will emerge shortly to point you in the right direction.


GreekRage and Chucksteel might have ways to make that node do what you need it to-

they've done nodes for elevators and cool stuff like that.

if they didn't constrain it, the elevator would do all kinds of funky things hehe.




You could override it to always have 0, but that would be buggy. that wouldn't be a translate-to,

it'd be preventing those counters from updating and hyperdefining it to be 0...

so it'd be like the choice dialogue override to force only 2 options to screen etc.



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