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Game crashes everytime I go through a loading screen. Can't tell if a certain mod is causing it.


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So I have mods installed, I have verified my cache three times now. I have run LOOT, and xedit/FO4edit to make sure the mods are not clashing or bring up errors. I have removed all mods that show me errors.

I have not removed all the mods that show unused data because everytime I would, another would suddenly have unused data.

The main mods that were showing it were: Homemaker, m9, and m2216.

These are my pc specs:
Computer Information:
Manufacturer: ASUS
Model: All Series
Form Factor: Desktop
Touch Input Detected

Processor Information:
CPU Vendor: GenuineIntel
CPU Brand: Intel® Core i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz
CPU Family: 0x6
CPU Model: 0x3c
CPU Stepping: 0x3
CPU Type: 0x0
Speed: 3998 Mhz
8 logical processors
4 physical processors
HyperThreading: Supported
FCMOV: Supported
SSE2: Supported
SSE3: Supported
SSSE3: Supported
SSE4a: Unsupported
SSE41: Supported
SSE42: Supported
AES: Supported
AVX: Supported
CMPXCHG16B: Supported
LAHF/SAHF: Supported
PrefetchW: Supported

Network Information:
Network Speed:

Operating System Version:
Windows 10 (64 bit)
NTFS: Supported
Crypto Provider Codes: Supported 311 0x0 0x0 0x0

Video Card:
Driver: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti

DirectX Driver Name: nvd3dum.dll
Driver Version:
DirectX Driver Version:
Driver Date: 23 Feb 2017
OpenGL Version: 4.5
Desktop Color Depth: 32 bits per pixel
Monitor Refresh Rate: 143 Hz
DirectX Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
VendorID: 0x10de
DeviceID: 0x17c8
Revision: 0xa1
Number of Monitors: 3
Number of Logical Video Cards: 3
No SLI or Crossfire Detected
Primary Display Resolution: 2560 x 1440
Desktop Resolution: 6400 x 1440
Primary Display Size: 23.54" x 13.23" (26.97" diag)
59.8cm x 33.6cm (68.5cm diag)
Primary Bus: PCI Express 16x
Primary VRAM: 6143 MB
Supported MSAA Modes: 2x 4x 8x

Sound card:
Audio device: Headset Earphone (2- Corsair VO

RAM: 32708 Mb

UI Language: English
Microphone: Not set
Steam Controller Cable and Base: Not set
Media Type: DVD
Total Hard Disk Space Available: 2975389 Mb
Largest Free Hard Disk Block: 412326 Mb
OS Install Date: Dec 31 1969
Game Controller: None detected
VR Headset: None detected

And this is my load order in nexus mods manager: https://gyazo.com/c2c77b612817d9a74585523709e1e537

And this is my load order as per LOOT even though it is showing .esp's that i already removed: 0 0 Fallout4.esm
1 1 DLCRobot.esm
2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm
3 3 DLCCoast.esm
4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm
5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm
6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm
7 7 ArmorKeywords.esm
8 8 DLC_MainMenu.esm
9 9 Homemaker.esm
Robot Home Defence.esm
10 a Loads.esm
11 b NewCalibers.esp
12 c TrueStormsFO4.esm
13 d EveryonesBestFriend.esp
14 e BetterModDescriptions.esp
15 f Weaponsmith Extended 2.esp
16 10 AnyModAnyWeapon2.esp
17 11 Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp
18 12 Craftable Armor Size.esp
19 13 CraftableGunsAndWeapons.esp
20 14 Crafting Workbench.esp
21 15 Eli_Crafting Shiz 9000.esp
22 16 Friffy_Fixed Curtains.esp
23 17 BetterJunkFences.esp
24 18 Workshop_Planters.esp
25 19 DD_All_the_COncrete.esp
26 1a IncreasedSettlerPopulation50.esp
27 1b LongerPowerLines3x.esp
28 1c WBO.esp
29 1d mr Melee Rebalance.esp
30 1e More Armor Slots - All Dlc.esp
31 1f Quick Save.esp
32 20 PhysicalUnlocksAddons.esp
33 21 PhysicalUnlocks.esp
34 22 UNnaked Power Armor.esp
35 23 AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp
36 24 ChoiceChopped.esp
37 25 BetterSettlers.esp
38 26 BetterSettlersCleanFacePack.esp
39 27 BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp
40 28 DLC_MainMenu_Handplaced.esp
41 29 DLC_PATCH.esp
42 2a NinjaUseFistToo.esp
43 2b nvvault1080.esp
44 2c Build High - Expanded Settlements.esp
45 2d Bunker13.esp
46 2e OctaviusSentibar_Labels.esp
47 2f EnclaveX02.esp
48 30 Vivid Waters.esp
49 31 Standalone Nuka Cola Manufacturing Workstation.esp
50 32 More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp
51 33 Better Workshop Street Oil Lamps.esp
52 34 extendedLightsWS - No shadows.esp
53 35 BossChestsHaveLegendaries.esp
54 36 M1Garand.esp
55 37 mjp_PTRS41ATR.esp
56 38 HolyMachete.esp
57 39 SolsSixThousandCaps.esp
58 3a AtomicAnnieLagrieGun.esp
59 3b HuntingShotgun.esp
60 3c NWS_Shei.esp
61 3d AtomicRadio.esp
62 3e SSEX.esp
63 3f Butcher.esp
64 40 Yona_Weapon_DefenseGun.esp
65 41 DOOMDesertEagle.esp
66 42 HunterKnifeMod.esp
Dual Weapons Melee.esp
67 43 Extended weapon mods.esp
68 44 BattleRifle.esp
69 45 WLightSaber.esp
70 46 M1Garand - AWKCR.esp
71 47 M1Garand-2xDMG.esp
72 48 DOOM1911.esp
73 49 PlasmaSword.esp
74 4a DOOMRhino.esp
75 4b RU556.esp
76 4c Scottish Claymore.esp
77 4d 3dscopes-replacer.esp
78 4e 3dscopes-replacer-addtospawn.esp
79 4f 3dscopes-framework.esp
80 50 3dscopes-replacer-FarHarbor.esp
81 51 3dscopes-replacer-NukaWorld.esp
82 52 Sharpened Blades v2.esp
83 53 TacticalMods.esp
84 54 BumperSwordStandalone.esp
85 55 Kukri1.1.0.esp
86 56 M14.esp
87 57 Fasthawk.esp
88 58 GaussRifleMk2.esp
89 59 tumbajamba Advanced Engineering.esp
90 5a GaussRifleMk2 - tAE - AWKCR.esp
91 5b Loads of Ammo - Leveled Lists.esp
92 5c Weapons of Fate.esp
93 5d RichMerchants.esp
94 5e Armorsmith Extended.esp
95 5f Armor_Mods_Expanded_v1b2.esp
96 60 brtrn_dogmeatArmor.esp
97 61 DD_Khassar_De_Templari_Increased_build.esp
98 62 D.E.C.A.Y.esp
99 63 Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp
100 64 Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Silent Hill.esp
101 65 Vivid Weathers - Natural Bright.esp
102 66 Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp
103 67 TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsets.esp
104 68 TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp
105 69 Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp
106 6a TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsetsFH.esp
107 6b Better Power Armor - Extended.esp
108 6c Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp

I do not know how to fully remove the mods it is saying I still have in here even though i uninstalled and deleted them permanently via nexus mods manager.

So any help or ideas as to what may or may not be causing these issues where my fallout 4 is crashing the instant I enter any building, Or fast travel and enter a load screen. Thank you for any help that is afforded to me. :D

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you state you ran Loot and Xedit, but you are missing 1/3 of the equation, your bashed patch from WRYE


You can NOT use that many mods with out a bashed patch, do ALL of the blue section in the link below and then try your game



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you DON'T remove the orange mod, you FIX it by doing Appendix 1. More than likely you are now crashing BECAUSE you removed that orange mod instead of fixing it. If you look closely at the guide you will see that Appendix 1 is actually part of step 2 ( the blue section )




the Bashed patch HAS TO BE LAST with only a few exceptions, move it down please


2.3) One other thing, make sure you enable ( check mark ) the bashed patch Wrye Bash makes, then right click it and choose rebuild patch as the one Wrye Bash makes is empty, which should always be last in your load order unless you're using an ENB, SUM, ASIS, or the Reproccer.

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But the orange mod isnt even in my nexus mods manager anymore. why was it showing up in my wrye bash?


It was showing up for 1 of 3 reasons


A) another mod needs it

B) you need to rebuild the bashed patch after deleting it

C) your save needs it - check the save by clicking on the save tab, then clicking the top save, and looking on the right where it lists all the mods for that save


Attempting to check mark and move wrye bash to the bottom gives me this: https://gyazo.com/25d310ce6de9d2c3cd18b8bc614a2181


you had another program open that was accessing your load order - NMM, MO, Xedit, and so on


And this is popping up in my loot debug log now: https://gyazo.com/6cbe6161d04f3e55a35d737dcdeed84e


not sure what that is, I've never seen that before

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