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Thanks steam for deleting my Skyrim folder - Creation Kit Dangers!


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[Whining ahead!]


Because the Creation Kit wasn't working, i decided to reinstall it.


Guess what happened! Steam deleted my whole Skyrim folder, instead of just dealing with the creation kit files.

I had over 120 mods working in harmony, including patches that i made myself. It took me tens of hours to get there.

All gone now.


I tried to recover the files using Recuva. I tried this immediately after finding out that my Skyrim was gone. I wasn't quick enough.

Many of the files, including my own patches, are already corrupted.

There is no way to revert what Steam did.

Without a warning.

Without a backup.


I just wanted to modify some clothes so that my spouse would wear them. Such a little, simple thing led to a disaster.

I'm getting tired of this. I do not want to spend days to bring my Skyrim-install back to its glory. I couldn't even if i wanted to, i don't have the time anymore.

I guess this is the end. [probably not]


Thanks Steam.


For anyone having issues with Creation Kit, do not uninstall it. Try "check integrity of files" (or whatever that was called) instead.

Edited by taww
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