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script fragment help

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I scripted events for my Fonv mod no problem. It was not hard at all.

Now I.m trying to script an event for Fo4 and can't seem to accomplish the simplest thing.


All I want to do is have the player use a terminal that will upon it's use teleport the player to another cell. Without an active quest.

I would also like to remove the players inventory and deny companions from the teleport.


At this point I can't even get the terminal to compile the fragment to teleport just the player. (that was very easy in Fonv.)

I never modded skyrim which is where the changes happened I guess. So I'm a complete noob now.


Is there a tutorial or someplace to get the answers without frustrating anyone that tries to help me with my denseness?



I created a terminal and a marker where I want to go. I went into fragments in the terminal and properties where I found my marker.

Went back to fragments and wrote;




But I get the message that the script was not compiled.



It should be so easy but I just don't get it.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you.



Through sheer pig headed determination I have progressed to the point where it fails for a different reason.


Here is my simple script in the terminal fragment box.





Here is my failure message.


Papyrus Compiler Version for Fallout 4
Copyright © ZeniMax Media. All rights reserved.
Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
Compiling "Fragments:Terminals:TERM_SIASamterm_0713701B_1"...
C:\Users\Maroney\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\Fragments\Terminals\TERM_SIASamterm_0713701B_1.psc(7,24): type mismatch on parameter 1 - cannot pass a static to a objectreference
No output generated for Fragments:Terminals:TERM_SIASamterm_0713701B_1, compilation failed.
Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Failed on Fragments:Terminals:TERM_SIASamterm_0713701B_1
It's the player not a static that I'm trying to teleport so I'm still lost.
Still hoping for guidance.
Edited by greggorypeccary
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The compiler error is telling you that the SiaXMarkerHeading01 is a static instead of an expected ObjectReference. Make sure that you are using the correct type of marker and that you have set up the correct property for it on the fragment in question.


I cannot be any more specific as my Papyrus knowledge is limited to Skyrim.

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In Skyrim I would duplicate the base xMarker and give it a unique ID name for my mod. And then when filling my ObjectReference property point it to the placed instance in the Render Window rather than the base object.


There may be nothing wrong with the marker itself. It just might be that the property is pointing to the base object rather than the object reference that was placed in the render window.

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I don't get an option to point at anything in the render window. All I can do is select it from a list.

I've seen in tutorials where it can be selected in a cell but my ck doesn't look like that. I'm guessing there are version differences?

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Possibly or it is in the type of object used for the property. If you created a static property because the xmarker's base object is a static then you will just get a list of statics to choose from. If you created an objectreference property then it should prompt you to enter a cell and a refererence object or click a button to select something from the render window.

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