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Customizing your ENB


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I had decided to customise the ENB I had downloaded, so I set out to do it.


I ended up changing some things, so I loaded up my game, it told me that it was SSAO enabled, but in slow mode. Previously, it had SSAO enabled, but it was in fast mode. Playing my version, it was really laggy, like stop and go every half second. What marks the difference between slow mode and fast mode? Some other ENB's I had grabbed were always slow mode, but the one I have (I forget what it is, but it was in the Hot Files for awhile) is in fast mode and it looks fantastic. Does slow mode look better, is there more effects?


Overall, my customization didn't look too good. It was too bright, and the colors were strange. I was hoping someone could point me towards a guide on how to customise it, telling what each thing in the .ini document does/says.


Finally, I was wondering what the difference between SSAO and, I think, SMAA. I have heard both mentioned, but I don't really know what they are and what they do (and how to turn them on and off). Any help would be appreciated.

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