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Match face color with body color


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Hello, I was wandering if there is a mod out already that makes my characters face skin tone match my bodies skin tone. It's not really a big deal but it really irritates me when my head is way lighter than my actual body. I know for oblivion it was called like the Seam Mod or something like that but I can't seem to find this for skyrim. If anyone knows if there is something like this that would be awesome. Thanks
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The problem isn't a lack of mods that remove the mismatching, its the modders who are modding Face textures and have no idea about the seams they are creating that's the problem.


Head and body textures belong together. All those face beautification mods are doing all kinds of things to the skin, but what most (if not all) skin modders don't realise (or don't seem to care about), is that the head texture JOINS WITH the body texture. The head textures get altered, or the body textures get altered, but not as one unit like it should, ergo tragic results of seamliness and disparity.


Proper tools are needed to be able to edit head textures and body textures at the same time. If they aren't edited at the same time, this problem will never go away.

Edited by FavoredSoul
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