HenryBAKAE Posted March 18, 2017 Share Posted March 18, 2017 (edited) This is less of a mod request and more of a “If I could mod I would totally make this” kind of thing. I just felt like spouting my idea of an awesome mod that would revolutionize unarmed combat in Fallout 4, both in, and out of power armor. So Fallout 4 doesn’t have very many options for unarmed combat. Sure we have the power fist and Deathclaw gauntlet, but we don’t have many other great unarmed weapons. Fallout New Vegas pretty much revolutionized unarmed combat, giving us a total of 17 unarmed weapons to choose from, not including unique variants. In addition, Fallout 4 basically screwed unarmed builds when it comes to power armor, only giving us some mods that really don’t do a whole lot. My idea of a mod would do three things; I’ll explain everything in more detail later.1. It would add quite a few unarmed weapons from New Vegas into Fallout 4 for use outside of power armor. 2. It would add unarmed mods for power armor that would basically be built in unarmed weapons, (for example, a built in Ballistic Fist, or a power fist), which appear on the power armor like jetpacks do. 3. Both the normal, and power armor unarmed weapons would be capable of dual wielding via a new crafting work bench that creates a “linked” weapon. 1. Like I said, the First bit would be simply adding unarmed weapons from NV into Fallout 4. The weapons I was thinking about adding would include: The Ballistic Fist, The Bladed Gauntlet, The Mantis Gauntlet, (A unique and very familiar bug themed villain would have this), The Displacer Glove, and The Zap Glove. These weapons would behave much like their NV counterparts, and would be found on various enemies or found in certain areas. I didn’t include the Bear Trap Gauntlet in this list because I felt like it would be a much cooler legendary mod for power armor, most likely found on Tessa. I figured that Tessa’s Fist could benefit from an exclusive fist mod, since it’s a pretty lackluster piece of legendary power armor by itself. In addition, I’m not sure if I would add the Industrial hand, since that weapon really doesn’t behave like an unarmed weapon, (more like Ripper strapped onto your arm), but if enough people wanted it, I would add it. 2. For the second section, I would add power armor arm mods that would add various unarmed weapons to the armor. These weapons would be all of the previously mentioned unarmed weapons, including the Power Fist, (the Fallout 3 variant, the 4 variant I think would not work as well for what I had in mind), and The Deathclaw Gauntlet. Basically, these mods would graft an unarmed weapon to the gauntlets of the power armor suits. These mods would work just like their non-power armor versions, and would have paints to go along with them, so they can match whatever paintjob you’re using. For some of these weapons, such as the Bear Trap Fist, and the Deathclaw gauntlet would have animations on them that would allow them to move into and out of position. For example, when the Bear Trap Fist is not in use, it would slide to the side of your arm so that it doesn’t interfere with the aiming of other weapons, (So that it basically won’t clip with the guns you might be using), and when it’s in use, it would slide to the front of your fist so you can hit s***. I would try to make as many patches for the various armors that are on the nexus, such as the Tesla X-01, and Tumbajamba's Combat Power Armor, and make as many patches for the paint mods, like Worsin’s Garage. However, I probably wouldn’t be able to cover every single paint mod, so I would add some generic paints for the gauntlets to try and blend in with and paints that I could not patch. 3. I always felt that it was kind of silly that you couldn’t duel wield power fists in Fallout 3 and NV. I mean, you have time to pull out a giant Fat man, but no time to put on two Ballistic Fists? This mod aims to change that by creating a system where you can duel wield the unarmed weapons. The way it would work is that there would be a new work bench that you would go to. Simply have two unarmed weapons on you, and craft the duel wield variant you want, and be gifted a combined weapon placeholder that when selected, would make your character pull out two unarmed weapons. This would allow you to mix and match unarmed weapons, (have a Ballistic Fist on one hand, and a Deathclaw Gauntlet on the other), and be able to put that combined weapon in your favorite bar for quick equipping. The workbench would also let you craft power armor single (If you only wanted to attach one unarmed weapon for example), and duel wielding weapons that you just keep in your inventory, (they would be weightless), and whenever you are wearing power armor, simply select the weapon, and behold you are now using the weapons you attached to your arm. In addition, I would make it so that the Power attack button is separated into two buttons, so you can power attack with either hand. The last thing this part would do is allow you to craft a non-mod related placeholder that would allow you to use the vanilla power armor arm mods, (That way you could just favorite the placeholder and be able to pull out your fists, and not have to deselect your gun). When you are using certain unarmed weapons that have their own unique firing animation, (The Deathclaw and Mantis Gauntlet would use a swiping animation, while the others would use a punching animation), the combined weapon would keep those animations. Basically your character would punch with one hand, then swipe with the other. Well that’s basically it for my Mod idea. Feel free to spout your opinions in the comments, and if anyone felt like my mod was worth making, feel free. I would forever be in your debt if you made this mod real. Edited March 19, 2017 by HenryBAKAE Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
montky Posted March 19, 2017 Share Posted March 19, 2017 @henrybakae/r, indeed, that is an interesting hypothetical, and thanks for sharing it.that's some awesome long-form Fallout lore in amongst that, which is always awesome to see.maybe such ideas-discussion threads would have more scope in FO4General or in the Off-Topic lounge etc,though anywhere's fine to riff on an exegesis hehe. some other nex-ites are somewhat reading-averse, so to avoid potential incidents, I heartily recommend use of the'spoiler' "/spoiler' block around your text hehe that reflection on netiquette/format aside,I think you'll find a few projects interesting.I like the complexity and scope of ambitious mods such as these hehe. Any Mod Any Weapon, dual-wield overhaul etc.of course, then there are weapons-parts-packs,which bring to FO4 likenesses of weapons from other Fallout games etc.a prime example being bOHMKA's most excellent Wattz weapon,and the pipe-rifle overhaul project.you can already make 90% of what you're envisaging via those mods.further, for the 10% you envisage which you cannot yet make,modders are working on those as standalone mods and as weapons parts packs too,so they'll eventually probably be makeable. as to making the dual-weapons independently targetting...that is proving to be tricky for projects.some are learning from how Borderlands implemented the gun-zerka,and from Jango Fett Bounty Hunter and Call of Juarez or Red Dead 1 etcthough I think it would be more interesting to have each stick be the targetting input...that way, you can target multiple enemies up to 180degrees field of vision,with a perk that perhaps allows you to target behind you as well...does it distribute amongst potential targets evenly after a 'get-that-distanceToTarget" command?or, do you manually use a stick to target each gun, and would there need to be a focal lens/wider camera angle so as you could target better? the unarmed equivalent of that would be interesting,one-punch person would now be two-punch person, some humorous punching etc...as would having on hand off-hand FORPG stuff,so you could have a melee and a non-melee equipped etc.theres an accuracy or damage penalty to off hand etc. VATS integration with the doubled targetting input is proving difficult in testing at this time.yet, I am confident we'll see awesome stuff like that emerge if a lot of folksteam up and want to make that happen. we're also having issues with the 'grapple mechanic' -imagine, you're having a sword fight, and then you lock melee-weapons and clashyou have a sword-lock and button-mashing quick-time event to defeat them or disarm them...this is proving tricky to implement with everything else that's going on in FO4 hehe. Mods of this scope, complexity, and ambition,necessarily require collaboration and lots of modders to team up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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