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Getting Female Gen2 synths to show texure/meshes

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So, I'm working on a gen2 mod to add female gen2 npc's to the commonwealth. Built all the meshes using bodyslide and outfit studio, edited material files to point to female texture files (same as vanilla just added "F" to the end of the filenames), Duplicated all gen2 npc/mods/headparts records, and Edited the templates to point to the built meshes/mods. However when in game only the mech and armor on the Female Gen2's are visible, both before and after I duplicated and edited the material files.


The Females have the correct meshes that are showing up but alas no skin (including face and headREAR). The eyes are visible however. The only vanilla headpart I am using is the Gen2 mouth which doesn't clip with the face in body Outfit Studio so I decided to go ahead and use it.


I have no idea why the armor is visible but the Skin meshes are not.


Anyone got any ideas on what I should try next?

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Took a look in the CK, pulled up one of my actor templates, and CK is throwing up the "MODELS: Missing Root Material:" for each of the mods which supply the G2Skin Meshes. Does this mean something is wrong with my material files?


EDIT: Did some more digging on google. Apparently there's some stuff that needs to be done in NifSkope. can't make heads or tails of it tho https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5016615-poster-mod-45-degree-rotation-error/


Listed "Missing Root Material" errors for RLeg_Calf_skin, LArm_ ForeArm1_skin, RLeg_Foot, Neck_skin

Edited by jackjack86
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Managed to get the material errors to clear by adding the missing extra nods and adding in all vanilla data for those nodes in nifskope (thx to kingtobbe on the Bethesda discord server for pointing it out for me). Still getting "LOOTJOY:Failed to attach 3D for mod 'synth_rubber..." for all the female race omods​.

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