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Saves deleting themselves...


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I went into Yngvild, the Nordic ruin on the far northern coast close to Dawnstar, I was killed by a ghost inside so saved the game before encountering that part again, I was then killed again but my game re-loaded the autosave as I entered the ruin, not the manual save I made just before the ghost encounter.

Now anytime I save over an existing save file it deletes it, if I start a new save file it doesn't show up in the load list so I assume it doesn't save at all.

Also now the autosaves are not working.

I just made it to Winterhold, I had 1 save file left and an autosave from back at Yngvild although I've been in and out of buildings in Winterhold and the 'autosaving' message comes up but if I load the autosave I'm back at Yngvild.

The number of manual saves is at 260.

I'm running a 128gb SSD, I think this might be the problem, I just got a windows message saying disk space is low and when I checked it has only 21.8mb. I've been having problems with it though where whenever I delete stuff it doesn't know it's been deleted and it still thinks its full!


Scared shitless of losing 130hours of progress, I've backed up the 'documents > my games' saves folder to my HDD which is fine and has almost 1tb free so hopefully it will be OK.

I know this isn't a PC tech support forum but if anyone knows anything about SSD's I would be very grateful!

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I know this isn't a PC tech support forum but if anyone knows anything about SSD's I would be very grateful!

we have one of those: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/123-hardware-and-software-discussion/


anyways you really need to clean out your SSD. you shouldnt have it down below 50 GB of space if it's your main drive. i would move as much as you can to your HDD. i would have installed Skyrim to that one in fact.

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It doesn't matter if I delete stuff from the drive, it's still there. I have a post going on tomshardware now I hope that will help, I'm sure my Skyrim problems are caused by a hardware fault but if anyone has had similar save problems let me know.

There is around 70gb of stuff on the SSD including windows so that should be 58gb available, if I delete stuff it makes no difference, the pie chart after right clicking the drive in my computer doesn't change and I'm getting warnings from windows about system instability.

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