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So, I installed Wars in Skyrim Gold Age and Deadly Dragons. I put it on hardcore and enabled creature balancing and follower persistence, but disabled dragon balancing. I am playing on Adept level.

My character is now afraid to leave Whiterun. Now when he hears a dragon pass overhead or roar, he runs like hell for cover.


Maybe I picked the wrong mods to play as a "no armor, robe only" mage ..... but every XP this way is so sweet.

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Wars In Skyrim mod definatly changes gameplay outside of towns , everywhere you go there will be action and in some cases you realy have to be careful and bring up the best fight you got in yourself.


But i never installed the Deadly Dragons mod because as you said , depending on what type of character you're playing , it can make dragons too powerful for you. I used to play with heavy armor and have every piece of my armor enchanted with 2 enchants each ( Enchanting skill 100 ) . I had a lot of resistance and i had health regen and stam regen plus lots of magicka regen so at that time, Dragons were a real joke as well as giants and trolls and mammoths. I could take on everything without any effort . Even Ancient Dragons went down in less than 10 seconds after they land. That was with the Wars in SKyrim Mod and without the Deadly Dragons mod.


But then i converted this character into a thief and assassin so that i could do the Thieves guild and Dark Brotherhood quests and after that, everything became a challenge. Wearing Light armor with much reduced resistances because i had to make room for some sneaking enchants. i had to fight dragons with bows all the time and try to avoid breath attacks by hiding behind rocks or walls or pillars because Ancient dragons breath would kill me 1 shot , and if i went in melee against them they would simply grab me in their mouth and throw me away as if i was a goat. And i was lvl 55 +, i'm now lvl 65 and if i wear light armor i still get 1 shotted by ancient dragons. Without the Deadly Dragons mod.


So in my opinion, Deadly Dragons is a good mod for people who play characters with high resistances and heavy armor if they seek to make dragons a challenge. But in the case where dragons are already a challenge for you, you might wanna uninstall that mod and wait untill they get too easy. I would definatly recommend increasing the difficulty to Expert instead of adept and removing deadly dragons mod for now . If expert is too easy, then increase it to master, they'll still be able to kill you in one shot but you'll at least be able to do some damage to them .

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I recently installed Wars in Skyrim and Deadly Dragons as well. I can say you are completely right, it makes everything seem so much more epic. Although I haven't actually killed a single dragon since installing the mod (I'm level 25) I feel like that's the way it should be.

When the two mods combine is where the real fun is. I hid behind a rock watching some Thalmor Wizards and Imperials trying to take on a Swamp Dragon. There was lightning everywhere and Imperials being thrown through the air, just awesome. Once the dragon took them all out I thought I'd go in for the kill. It only had half it's life and still kicked my butt. I won't be killing any dragons until I get to a higher level I guess.

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Sorry for using this topic to ask my questions but so far i've seen people talk about Magma Dragons and Swamp Dragons. I have to say i've never seen any in the game so i'm assuming out of pure logic that they are exclusive to the Deadly Dragons mod but i wanted to ask , do they look any different from any of the Vanilla dragons or did the modder just take already existing models and changed the names ?


I also wanted to ask if they have any abilities that the Vanilla Dragons don't have ?


thanks in advance



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Haven't seen one yet, but to use Deadly Dragons you need a texture pack, so they may be slightly retextured. I remember swamp dragons in the pics looks like a green ancient dragon. Anyway, here are the changes from the readme (note that in normal difficulty of Deadly Dragons, dragons have 2x health than normal, hard difficulty increases damage by 50%, and hardcore gives them full 2x damage over normal skyrim):



---------------------------------Dragon Changes------------------------------------------------------------



Fire Dragons

Resistances: Fire 65/Frost 0/Shock 25

Applies to: "Dragon", Blood Dragon, Elder Fire Dragon, Ancient Fire Dragon, Magma Dragon, Black Dragon, Odahviing


Frost Dragons

Resistances: Fire 0/Frost 65/Shock 25

Applies to: Frost Dragon, Elder Frost Dragon, Wyrm, Ancient Frost Dragon.


Note: Storm Dragon, Dracolich, and Aspect of Alduin have seperate resistances, seee "New Dragon Types" section.



----Vanilla dragon ability changes---


Ancient Fire Dragon

- Can now summon a "Flaming Thrall", lasts for 6 seconds before exploding & dealing significant

Fire damage to the player.


[Hardcore difficulty ONLY:]"Ignite" effect added to normal breath attack. Deals fire damage, sets the player on fire,

and the ground on fire.


Ancient Frost Dragon

- Can now use Ice-form shout, freezes target for 1 second.




---------------------------------New Dragon Types-----------------------------------------------------------------



Shock Dragon

Level: 1

Resistances: Fire 0/Frost 0/Shock 100

Abilities: Lightning Breath & Shock blast.


(Currently named as a "Dragon")


Ice Dragon

Level: 10

Resistances: Fire 0/Frost 100/Shock 0

Abilities: Frost Breath, summon undead (2-4, varies by difficulty), and summon Frost Atronach


Note: (Currently named as a "Blood Dragon")


Swamp Dragon

Level: 30

Dragon type: Fire

Abilities: Fireball (while flying) & Acid Breath (while grounded). Acid breath counts as poison damage.


Nether Drake

Level: 36

Dragon type: Fire Dragon

Abilities: Sonic Wave breath-attack. (Ignores all resistances & armor)


"Wyrm" dragon

Level: 45

Dragon type: Frost

Abilities: Ice Storm (while flying), Steam Breath (while grounded), counts as Magic damage.


Magma Dragon

Level: 45

Dragon type: Fire

Abilities: Fire Breath & Meteor Storm Shout.

[Hardcore difficulty ONLY:]"Ignite" effect added to normal breath attack. Deals fire damage, sets the player on fire,

and the ground on fire.


Storm Dragon

Level: 45

Resistances: Fire 20/Frost 20/Shock 65

Abilities: Lightning Storm breath attack, Hail-Storm shout, and "Sparks" breath attack (while grounded).


Black Dragon

Level: 55

Dragon Type: Fire

Abilities: Flame breath (deals fire damage and ignites the target for 10 seconds)

Wither (drains health, stamina, and magicka for 10 seconds)



Level: 55

Resistances: Fire 20/Frost 100/Shock 20

Abilities: Frost breath - Also reduces frost resistance by 30% for 10 seconds)

Vampiric Drain - Short range "breath attack" that drains player health & heals dragon

Summon Dragon Priest Ghost - Casts cold based spells like Ice Spear & Ice Storm.


Aspect of Alduin

Level: 65

Resistances: Fire 50/Frost 50/Shock 50/ Magic 20

Abilities: Frostfire breath - Deals both frost & fire damage, drains magicka, and freezes ground. (VERY strong breath attack)

Blizzard Shout - Weather-effect shout, Ice Storm spells rain from the sky.

[Hard & Hardcore difficulty ONLY:]Summons skeletal dragon for 30 sec. Has limited health, uses nerfed Frostfire breath.

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Previous poster is correct, the new types are only in Deadly Dragons and they're slightly different from vanilla dragons (mostly color wise i think) and they do use different shouts/spells. I haven't run in to all the different types yet.


I waited a while before downloading but now I don't think I'd play without it. Even normal difficulty makes dragons so much harder, the way it should be.

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Thanks for your reply ChanChan05


After both reading your reply and doing a search for Deadly Dragons mod on youtube, i'm realy thinking about downloading this mod.


The videos realy proved that the modder who created this mod realy knows what he's doing .


It also makes me want to start a whole new game just to know what it feels to actualy be scared of a dragon lol.

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