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Ad Victoriam, But Why?


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I´ll just put in my two cents... I side with the BoS mainly because they have a plan and the means and will to go through with it..also I look at the Synths and think,in RL terms "Sleeper cells", Imagine a Society where you welcome all and sundry,live peacefully with all newcomers and then.. suddenly.. your good friends and neighbors,the shopkeeper down the road and the friendly Busdriver.. decides that YOU MUST DIE.. because of a directive imprinted in them ...scary right? that´s why ALL Synths must die.. as for the RR they are IMO Traitors to Human Kind in their aiding and abetting what,basically is the enemy of Humanity.. therefore the RR and all sympathizers of said RR must,in conclusion ..die..If you consider a scenario like "2001 a Space Odyssey" would you feel safe living in the same neighbourhodd as H.A.L. ? the one thing i thoroughly enjoy is nuking the Institute.. and next to that eradicating the RR.. i know JC said "love thy neighbor" but,seriously?.. when my neighbor is a ticking bomb or actively planting more of the buggers in my surroundings? there is only one solution and that is to obliterate any and all threat before it is too late.. misquoting JC again "do unto the buggers before they do unto you"

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I would also point out that detecting a synth would be relatively easy with an X-ray machine or something similar. Something like that synth component in all synths would show up on any scan of the anatomy. So the whole not knowing for sure who is a synth and who is not could be solved very quickly. :wink:

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