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NMM finding and installing old uninstalled mods.


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So I decided to do a complete wipe and start over from scratch. Uninstalled and deleted all Skyrim and NMM files, and double checked to make sure there was no NMM data left on that HDD.

I moved any mod archives that I wanted to keep into a new folder so that I wouldn't have to redownload everything.

Reinstalled Skyrim, booted it up to make sure it worked - everything is fine.

Reinstalled NMM, ran it to make sure it wasn't finding any old files - it was completely empty, perfect.

Installed about 100 mods while testing, everthing was going fine, and then NMM crashed. Oh well, that always happens. No biggie.

I opened NMM again to find this:





This is exactly what I wanted to avoid, as this happened to me on an old computer and completely ruined everything as it "force" installed missing files. I went from 100 freshly installed mods to 336 "ghost" mods.

How is it even finding these mods that aren't on my computer anymore? I remember deleting those folders with he mod data and uninstalling NMM completely. I just don't understand.


Anyway, what can I do to make sure this doesn't completely screw me over? I tried switching mod profiles but it just ends up being the same thing.

Thanks for any help.

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