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Save files disappearing on MO


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So I use mod organizer for managing mods and I've realized that it saves my games to a location other than My Games/Skyrim/Saves. The program has it's own folder that I've only been able to reach while inside the program andnot in File Explorer. I've been using it since around October and every few months all of my save files disappear. Since I could not find the folder they were in I did not have the chance to back them up. Many time before I have had to make new characters after hours of sweat because of this. Yesterday this happened again. I made a new character and spent a couple hours on that. Then, late last night, it happened again. All of my saves just vanished. Except this time, I knew the cause. This time,ironically, I was trying to back up my saves. I decided to make my save files local, and duplicate the profile so that if I messed up with backing it up I'd have two copies of the save. Somehow doing this deleted all my saves. I've started too many new characters because of this and I don't want to do it again. Any help is appreciated.

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