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NPC Statistics Spell - Or Similar


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I have been searching for a mod that was prominent in Oldrim but I cannot find anything like it for SSE. I would let you cast a spell at any NPC and you would be able to see that NPC's stats.


Some of the Oldrim mods were better than others and they would be able to show you the level, health, skills and more. The best one was a mod called Empathy on the steam workshop.


This mod was invaluable for testing weapons and poisons and was a total pleasure to use for any sneak toon.


I have not been able to find anything like this at all. Am I just missing it or are there just no mods that do something like this. Thanks in advance for any reply.

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Yeah that is what was great about the Oldrim mod from the steam workshop "Empathy". It was a spell that you could cast from a distance to any NPC and they would remain non hostile and would not detect that you even cast the spell. Then you could see all that NPC's stats like health, skill levels, resistances etc.


This was great for trying a lot of different stuff to see what would work or not. For example you might see that the NPC has a high resistance to fire. So your fire spells or fire enchanted sword might not be effective and you may want to try something else. It really added a lot of RPG aspect to the game, by reading enemies before a fight and figuring out what the best game plan to attack might be.


To me it was that RPG aspect with that Empathy spell that really added a lot to the game.

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