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Critique of the game and why I don't like it (anymore).


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Didn't even read a lot of the posts in this thread because they are absolutely ludicrous.


The graphics are amazing - install a few mods - my computer can't even handle them maxed out.

The gameplay is great for me - if something is getting boring switch to something else. (ex. bow to magic, sword to bow)

I think a lot of people who say morrowind was better are stuck in the golden age scenario where they believe everything to be better in the past than it is in the current. (living in denial - imagining past to be greater than it was)


I don't understand some people who bash this game.

It has won game of the year in tons of contests and I think ironically this makes people oppose the game or try to find faults in it to decry these results.


All in all Skyrim is an amazing game, with yes a few glitches or weird mechanics, but these aspects do not distract from the beauty the game consists of.

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Didn't even read a lot of the posts in this thread because they are absolutely ludicrous.


The graphics are amazing - install a few mods - my computer can't even handle them maxed out.

The gameplay is great for me - if something is getting boring switch to something else. (ex. bow to magic, sword to bow)

I think a lot of people who say morrowind was better are stuck in the golden age scenario where they believe everything to be better in the past than it is in the current. (living in denial - imagining past to be greater than it was)


I don't understand some people who bash this game.

It has won game of the year in tons of contests and I think ironically this makes people oppose the game or try to find faults in it to decry these results.


All in all Skyrim is an amazing game, with yes a few glitches or weird mechanics, but these aspects do not distract from the beauty the game consists of.



As much as I respect Phenderix the modder, I quite respectfully have one problem with this opinion. Namely, the argument that this game is good because its won multiple awards. Lady Gaga and Britney Spears win awards, too, but I will never admit their music is anything except mind-killing bad. Right up there with Vogon Poetry and Dickinson.


Skyrim is a good, solid open world adventure game. The things I love about it - freedom, exploration and believable dungeons and environments - are all things I love in a game. Just exploring, for no reason other than because I can, is a wonderful experience.


But I also sympathize with those looking for a real role playing game (Which, to be fair, Bethesda promised.) Because Skyrim is not that game. Kingdoms of Amalur is more a role playing game than this. More choices and consequences. Play styles really matter. You can get locked out of factions and quest lines.


Skyrim is good at what it does right. But what it does and what we were promised it would do, are radically different things.

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I find it hilarious that people write full on essays on how much they don't like Skyrim. I might write an essay on how much I don't like Donkey Kong.


And I'm happy that there is no Armor/weapon degradation. I always thought it was a hassle.

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Didn't even read a lot of the posts in this thread because they are absolutely ludicrous.




All in all Skyrim is an amazing game


:biggrin: Just because you didn't indicate in any way that you are mentally able to comprehend complex sentences by that post, doesn't mean that they are ludicrous.


If you don't even bother to READ other opinions, then you shouldn't even be allowed to post. Be happy in your ignorance.


Some people are just... too much for me.

Edited by GeeZee
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I think the game is fine for what it was made for... The Xbox 360.

You can only do some much on that machine. I'll say (type) it out loud for all to see/hear.. Skyrim is a console game! :whistling:


It's wonderful that we can tweak/mod change the game (on the PC) until it becomes almost another game. (In fact I doubt I am the only one who prays to the Mod Gods out there...You know who you are!)


What is sad is that there is no way possible that I could ever play this game without mods. The very idea chills me to my soul. :blink:


If you already bored with the game... Go out and download as many mods as you can and try, try again! Or do like what most do...take a break, play another game or two then come back. It does wonders.

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2. Gameplay/Mechanics


So much is stripped down in this area that it's ridiculous to me.


...overall there's less depth to the gameplay.



That right there is the main reason I quit playing it after about 5 days of its release. I agree with many of the other points, but No. 2 was the thing that killed the game for me.

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I'd like to know what the ... the people had in mind when they put Skyrim in the Game Developers Conference Awards category of TECHNOLOGY. Bethesda is one of the few AAA-title-making-machine out there that gives a crap about their technology.


I'm starting to think that they cant pull off a TES title with everything that the OP said covered with 100 people in 3 years just because they have to get around with the crappy tools/engine they use. Im pretty sure they have tons of very, very talented people. One of the last things i would think is that they cant do it. That they cant release a game with modern shaders, that they cant release a game with more deph in quests and characters, im pretty sure they just chose not to do so.


With that "We can make anything but we cant make everything" thing they have going on they barely touch the "just enough" line.

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they cant release a game with more deph in quests and characters, im pretty sure they just chose not to do so.


With that "We can make anything but we cant make everything" thing they have going on they barely touch the "just enough" line.


The best trolling Bethesda did was that Modding Jam, where after releasing a shallow, bland game that had been in development for 5 FULL YEARS, they implement at least dozen of ambitious changes with dev tools for "fun" in ONE WEEK that should have been in Vanilla anyway - games should be more and more ambitious, but Bethesda instead dumbs it down with every game.


They knew they will get GOTY anyway, so they didn't even bother - so we're stuck with game that's just mediocre.


EDIT: The funniest thing is that Beth fanboys are completely devoid of any kind of critical thinking - when they added (what little they added) to Skyrim, they are "moving forward" and "improving their games", but when they remove statistics, spells, skills etc. "that's okay they were redundant anyway"


I bet TES VI: Elsweyr or whatever will have 10 character skills, Warrior will be merged with Thief, half of spells will be removed etc, and dialogue responses will be chosen automatically.





I'm glad to see that other people in this thread are also capable of independent, critical thinking. Maybe not all hope is lost yet.

Edited by GeeZee
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I agree with most of what OP had to say.


While I'm not usually concerned about graphics, the blocky shadows irk me to a certain degree.


What bothers me the most is how Bethesda dumbed down the magic system to a severely simplistic level. Conjuration, to me, got it the worst. Reviving fallen NPCs is fine and dandy, but I miss being able to summon the undead and daedra by my whims. Also, the fact that I can't use magic effectively on my warrior without having to open the Favorites menu, select the spell and use it before needing to switch again for another and so on and so forth, really irritated me.


The story is also a bit lame, because everything feels so rushed and contrived. The Companions questline was *especially* a big let down for me. The Companions are supposedly a glorious 'organization' that gets into epic conflicts that bards will sing for generations, but instead, they send me to some backwater town to kill a giant rat or send me on my way to do some generic fetch quests.


Also, the emotion simply isn't there during any questline because you barely know these characters other than them being generic tough guys. Only characters I enjoyed were Ulfric and Paarthunax.


But I suppose, despite the games glaring flaws, it's still playable and, thanks to mods, the game will *hopefully* last longer for me than Oblivion.

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When it comes to games I always ask myself just one question to determine if it was a good game or a bad game. Did I receive enough enjoyment to justify its cost?


Only you can answer this question in regards to Skyrim, in my case the answer is yes, I eventually will receive enough enjoyment from the mod community to justify buying the game. If I were forced to play vanilla only, my answer would be a no. As someone previously mentioned, it's a shallow game without much depth or detail. Luckily for me, there's a mod community that can correct that. If it weren't for the modability of the franchise, I would have long since moved on to other games.

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