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Do we need the CK for this ?


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A simple mod that makes Werewolf transformations unvoluntary, so that you turn each night and not at will (which totally breaks all lore about werewolves).


EDIT: ouch i meant to post this in requests, sorry.

Edited by Wraithofdoom
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1. Werewolf lore in TES is that werewolves transform when Massarn (I think) is full, and also are capable of voluntarily transforming once a day. In Morrowind, the transformations happened every night due to the Bloodmoon, though that technically shouldn't have happened until AFTER it showed up.


2. Search function? There's already a 23 long WIP thread on a mod that's doing exactly what you're asking, on page 2 of Mod Talk as of this post. Don't mean to be rude, I mean, at least you realized your not supposed to post requests in Mod Talk.

Edited by TheElderInfinity
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Well, unfortunately, that's not likely to happen until after the Creation Kit drops. Fortunately, it shouldn't take "that long" (CoH's first alpha release should include involuntary transformations), since there's already an algorithm for determining the moon phase (courtesy of the Curse of Hircine team), and time of day is trivial to determine. Assuming Bethesda hasn't done something weird with Cross Script variables that is.
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