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i have a GOD char. a GIANT high elf


i have dragon plate armor and shield and glamdring as sword. (notes: i have the mod that makes dragon plate better than daedric and i have 1179 armor with 200 at the skill and 279 damage)

i use no spells other than close wounds and i can cast about 10 with full mana pool.

i have all skills at 100 and specialized equipment for every kind of fighting (including 2h and dual wielding and bow and assassinating)

mostly dont use followers. (they look stupid) and im the harbringer, arch-mage, listener, guild master, thane of every hold, legate in imperial army, jarl of solitude

and i carry 1000098546 gold with me

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Playing a lvl 15 Dunmer Two-Handed fighter atm.


Two-Handed: 50

Heavy Armor: 29

Block: 22

Archery: 25

Smthing: 52


Wielding an exquisite 2h sword named Dragonbrand (JaySus swords mod) + a superior Hunting Bow

Wearing exquisite Gilded Steel Plate Helmet, -Armor and -Boots (some Paladin armor mod) and Iron Gauntlets of Major Sure-Grip (+25% 2h wep dmg)


I'm currently at this: http://skyrimcalculator.com/#77748


And going for atleast this: http://skyrimcalculator.com/#77735

Edited by Moredhel
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Nord conan derivative. obsessed with cooking and smithing, Wears fur armour accessorized with Wolf armour boots and gauntlets topped off with the dragon mask that gives you elemental resistances. First play through so perks are in all manner of stupid stuff esp smithing as he never uses anything better than steel.


Fights with unenchanted Great nord axe and a Hero bow. Very unoptimal but then the game is a little easy...

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Nord conan derivative. obsessed with cooking and smithing, Wears fur armour accessorized with Wolf armour boots and gauntlets topped off with the dragon mask that gives you elemental resistances. First play through so perks are in all manner of stupid stuff esp smithing as he never uses anything better than steel.


Fights with unenchanted Great nord axe and a Hero bow. Very unoptimal but then the game is a little easy...



If you're gonna do conan, make him look the part:

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Nord conan derivative. obsessed with cooking and smithing, Wears fur armour accessorized with Wolf armour boots and gauntlets topped off with the dragon mask that gives you elemental resistances. First play through so perks are in all manner of stupid stuff esp smithing as he never uses anything better than steel.


Fights with unenchanted Great nord axe and a Hero bow. Very unoptimal but then the game is a little easy...



If you're gonna do conan, make him look the part:


Sorry Youtube is blocked where I live (Red China) whats the clip of?

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Nord, level 53.


Magicka - 170

Health - 450

Stamina - 330


Two handed 100

Smithing 100

Lockpicking 100

One handed 99

Light armour 97

Heavy armour 89

Speech 83

Archery 76

Block 45

Magic skills around the 20-35 levels only, don't use magic.


If not wearing Guild Master gear with Triss replacement mesh and texture, it's Eisen light armour or this Ebony Mail re-texure as light armour with Black Sacrament, cowl gauntlets and boots. Weapons of choice, Daedric Nodachi, Crusader Greatsword, twin Akaviri or Mehrunes Razor and Nightingale blade. Daedric Bow & arrows of course. :)


Ebony Mail light armour, retex + effect removal and Crusader Greatsword here.


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Nord conan derivative. obsessed with cooking and smithing, Wears fur armour accessorized with Wolf armour boots and gauntlets topped off with the dragon mask that gives you elemental resistances. First play through so perks are in all manner of stupid stuff esp smithing as he never uses anything better than steel.


Fights with unenchanted Great nord axe and a Hero bow. Very unoptimal but then the game is a little easy...



If you're gonna do conan, make him look the part:


Sorry Youtube is blocked where I live (Red China) whats the clip of?


Its a guy who made a Nord who looked very much (almost exactly) like a young Arnold Schwarzenegger. Give him a Circlet and make him wear forsword armor and you got Conan the Barbarian.

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My character is an arcane archer or as close as possible.


Destruction 100

Conjuration 100

Archery 96

One-Handed 86

Light Armor 62

Sneak 84

Lockpick 77


I used to use conjured bows and weapons until I unlocked Ebony and Deadric bows smithing. Now I use a Daedric Bow(Legendary) with Fiery Soulsteal(12 seconds soul capture+15 fire damage and Shocking(65 shocking damage and half as much to magica). this beast does 108 dmg before arrow added damage.


I use Seraphim Armor(Dragon Scale Light Armor) with magicka, magicka regen, health, and destruction reduction cost enchantments on it.

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