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New to modding, which to chose?


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I just got a pc and started playing skyrim se. I've downloaded about 80 mods mainly immersive and texture but i want to know the best combination of the mods to use. I got LOOT, NMM and SSEeditor to help with organizing but i'm not sure whats the latest and greatest of those types. I mean theres sooo many texture and lighting mods which ones would i need? Is having multiple different ones necessary? I've watched a bunch of top lists of mods but a lot of them showcase different ones.


So any suggestions on immersive and graphic mods would be great. Thank you

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Welcome to the fun of modding SSE, really it is up to personal taste, however when installing mods always make sure you ready the description (I also search on the Nexus for any compatibility patches.


For textures Mods its a case of trying one and seeing what suites you best, however if you are using NMM be aware that the order you install has an impact so the last you install will override any textures that it shares with the previous...


For Immersion Mods you can get things like Immersive Citizens, Patrols.. to some really hard cord Mods like Camping, iNeeds & Frostfall, also if you want some more challenge in Combat I would recommend Smilodon (the Realistic Damage for Smilodon makes it really challenging, I would also recommend Ordinator which complete replaces all the Perks with new Perk Trees (however I would only ever use with a new Game)


One final note is get the Mods you want setup and then start a Playthrough, removing Mods halfway through can cause some major problems (sometimes installing new ones can too).


You can also have a look at the link in my signature which has a list of all the Mods I have installed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is what i use:



.)Skyrim flora overhaul trees only

.)verdant (overhauls the grass)

.)simple bigger trees (SFO compatible version)

.)Leanwolf's better shaped weapons

.)Darker Nights (offers many options -don't go too dark!)

.)RLO (only dugeons activated)


.)realistic water two

.)JK's Whiterun

.)JK's Riverwood

.)trees in cities (adds a few trees to cities -very subtle)


For the textures:

.)Vivid landscapes

.)peltoploza .)rugnarok .) + all of gamwich's awesome "rustic" retextures

.)Ethereal cosmos (i use twinkle subdued)

.)ethereal clouds

.)Nordic Snow

.)Apophysis Dragon Priest Masks SE (these textures are incredibly beautiful imao!)

.)JS Dragon Claws SE

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