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Skyrim FPS a bit sluggish


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Hi! So I have been searching for anyone with similar issue like me but haven't found anyone (gasp) or I just have been bad at searching.


ANYWAY! Problem is that when I play Skyrim I have decent FPS.

When I am at the top of Whiterun and look down into the town I have no problem with the fps. BUT when I change map sometimes it get sluggish, and will keep being sluggish untill I either restart the game or tab out and tab in.

The tab in and out thing is why I am curious, why would the FPS suddenly become normal once again?



GPU: Nvidia GTX 460 768mb (OC)

CPU: AMD Athlon 2 X4 620 2.6 ghz

RAM: 8gb corsair

Motherboard: MSI 770-C45



Well I have a lot of mods and the problem repeat itself with Vanilla so I don't think I have to say all of them but main mods are

2k Skyrim 1.4

Realistic Lighting without post processing

FXAA Lighting without post processing

Sky Boost


If anyone knows the issue or a fix for this please post.

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Skyrim seems to not clear unneeded junk from memory very well on some rigs. I would bet that your issue is due to this sort of "memory leakage".


When you alt-tab out (or alt-ctrl-del, cancel) it purges Skyrim's memory. The console command "pcb" may have the same effect.


I have seen a number of people post this problem, but have never heard of a fix. Removing large texture mods should let you play longer between slowdowns.

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