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What do the specular map channels do?

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So it seems that specular maps are finally no longer appendices to the normal map now as they were in Oblivion, FO3, FONV, and Skyrim, expanding their range of functionality. However, I do not know what each of the three color channels in a specular map texture do. What does each of the RGB channels govern?

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There was a good and simple tutorial about it here on Nexus but I think it got removed, let me try and remember.... changing the brightness/contrast of the green and red channels will influence the general reflections and changing the green channel will influence non-metal reflections. Changing only the red channel will effect metal reflections.

Edited by Nutulator
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The red channel controls metallic/chrome reflection (akin to environment masking in Skyrim). The green channel controls specularity (similar to how Skyrim handles it). The blue channel controls subsurface scattering (somewhat like the subscattering in Skyrim, but it's incorrectly rendered in Fallout 4 according to the render target).

Edited by ZeroKing
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