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Radiation resistance in power armor not working as it should?


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So I've been doing some testing with rad resistance and power armor. My character has 40 base resistance on her normal armor and 1050 base resistance on a stock power armor. When I step in water naked I take 10 rads per second. When I step in water with normal armor (40 rad resist) I take 3 rads per second. Now when I wear a suit of power armor and step in water I take 4-5 rads per second.


I've noticed a similar glitch in the glowing sea. Wearing a hazmat suit is infinitely more effective than a suit of power armor with rad paint. In fact just walking in with normal armor is more effective than power armor.


Is rad resistance broken on power armor? In fact is resistance broken in general? I feel like I take way more HP damage on my 600+ armor power armor suit than on my 180 armor normal armor.


I've been looking through my mods list, but I can't seem to find any that would create this effect. I had true storms disabled for testing.

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I did some research on this and found:

This seems to be a common bug ... BUT ... also a fact, that it says you are taking on RADS but actually you are not.


I have read both ... where the RADS are being reported in game but not actually happening .... and some who did, especially around high RAD areas, like a couple of lakes and Glowing Sea.


Not much help, but that usually can be the case with this version of Fallout.


.. Jj ...

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I'm trying to figure this out, but hit a snag.


I tried increasing the rad resist on the lead plating object mods, but that doesn't make much of a difference, at least not for my high level character on survival in the Glowing Sea and True Storms with increased rads. Even when I set the lead plating's rad resist much higher than the hazmat suit's, I'm taking lots of rad damage. I can hop out of my power armor and the hazmat always keeps it at <1, even fully submersed in a pool of orange water where rads are insanely high.


The hazmat has the enchantment EnchPA_HazmatRadReduction which applies the magic effect HazmatSuitPerkEffect which applies the perk HazmatSuitRadResistancePerk. The perk multiplies incoming rad damage by 0.02 which explains why rad damage in the hazmat is always <1 whether it's mild or extreme. I'm not sure why rad resist for the vanilla lead plating is so ineffective compared to this, but anyway...


I'm trying to add this enchantment/perk to the lead plating mods but since they're object mods rather than the hazmat which is armor, they don't have the same drop-down menu to just add the enchantment. In the object mod interface, there's a section for property modifiers and one option is peEnchantments, but it doesn't work.


The CK wiki says:


peEnchantments: Allows you to pick an enchantment that contains additional magic effects to be added to this mod. This allows you to have multiple enchantments on an object. Probably only valid with ADD. Select your enchant with the Form dropdown. Enchants should be of type Constant Effect, Self.


EnchPA_HazmatRadReduction is a Constant Effect, Self, and I'm using ADD.


Any help would be appreciated. :smile:


Edit: btw, I'm testing pretty thoroughly, checking that the rad damage is actually happening and not just a display error. Also, after I make a change, I throw away the mods I have in-game and craft them again. Not sure if this is the case with object mods in FO4 but with Skyrim, changes to an enchantment aren't applied to items that already exist in a save file, the item needs to be recreated.

Edited by Dupre232
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  • 5 months later...

I've been having this bug too, with exactly the same symptoms described by the OP. Bizarrely the effect persists through re-installations of the game, though I've never scourged all files that might escape steam's "delete local content" process.


This bug sucks though, makes power armor a complete liability any time radiation is present.

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