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Micro Mods and What They Mean


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Notice that a lot of the new mods are kinda what I think of as micro mods. I say this because they are frequently mods of specific plants, tools, etc.


Makes me wonder if we're finally running out of suitable large scale mods, or at least have begun to feel that most of the really big projects have been


done, and then done again, and, and,... . 'Course, there's still no shortage of voluptuous ladies, so some things'll never end.

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Well, Skyrim is a six year old game at this point (SSE not withstanding.) I have been here nine years now and mod making is a cyclical thing. Just when I think a certain game has passed it's glory days a slew of great mods will come out for it. I point to Fallout New Vegas as an example.


Also these "niche" mods as I would call them...retextures of a plant, or silverwear...a new mesh for an apple...these mods are a constant and welcome thing in molding. They sometimes get lost in the flurry of bigger mods or a time when many mods are being introduced.


I wouldn't necessarily think of them as an indicator of the lifeblood of a game's modding.

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Makes me wonder if we're finally running out of suitable large scale mods, or at least have begun to feel that most of the really big projects have been

Nope. People always ask if for only certain parts of a mod and if the modder is willing to make a part of it modular, people want to play their way, not the modders exact vision. As for the texture/mesh ones, if they're being done by the same person I'm sure they'll eventually compile it into a mod once they've decided they're done; In the mean time they'll continue to show off their work separately.

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