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If there were a war of the races


Ok, if all the races in morrowind were to form armies of their own who do you think would win?  

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  1. 1. Ok, if all the races in morrowind were to form armies of their own who do you think would win?

    • Argonians
    • Imperials
    • Dunmer
    • Bosmer
    • Altmer
    • Nords
    • Khajid
    • Redguard
    • Orks
    • Bretons

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ah, then we can call you a "legionairehead" :bleh: ! (chill, im just kidding) there arent like 22 forts, so you only really take orders from 2 nords. but you do know that the leigion in cyrodilli wouldnt have even that many nords, right? no one around morrowind makes mention of nords in the legion as a large force. there are more nords in the privatly owned fighters guild than leigion.
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1. To Saldrex and Sludgewort, DONT ARGUE A POINT YOU DONT KNOW! There has not been a game based in Cyrodil. We do not know how thick the walls are, or the number of troops there. All we know is that Cyrodil is dealing with political Turmoil, which will most likely be their downfall.


2. There are Three Imperal Forts on Vvardenfell, and one tradehouse that is run by an Imperial General (I could never figure this out... a tradehouse?). That is four People to give you orders (Not counting the IMPERIAL Imperial Dragon)



there are more nords in the privatly owned fighters guild

Just to be picky, it has evolved into a political force, almost (almost) like a branch of the government. Not privately owned.



kajiit: Have a chance (if they ally with the imperials) to not be used as slaves

How many times do I have to say this...


KHAJITS AND ARGONIANS ARE FREE! Only in the Province of Morrowind are they slaves. And with that, the Dunmeri cannot capture slaves outside of Morrowind.


Not to mention, not just Khajits and Argonians are slaves. They are just more common as slaves, because they can last longer. People can legally own Nord, Bosmer, Altmer, Redguard, Imperial, Khajit, Argonian, Breton etc. as slaves. You can even have Dunmer slaves.

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the imperials have already dominated almost every single place in the empire!!


they have already taken over morrowind if you have not noticed it yet.


and they ALSO have the orcs


the dunmer would be destroyed by the imperials alone.

then you have the orcs to deal with too!


and the kajiit and argonians are probably pissed off that the fact that thier lets say cousin is a slave for some stupid dark elf

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I doubt that there are many imperials in the capital mainly because they have sent out many o ftheir teoops to the other provinces. I doublt that there would be enough imperials to to equal the amount of 2 other race. I think that each had about the sam eamount in each of their home land wxcept for the imperials becauuse they have sent much of their people to the other provinces. It would take a massive army in order for them to have enough people as you have stated and it would be impossible for the to hold the capiat to gether. In the capital there would have been much overcrowding. It would be impossible. There are not as many imperials in the capital than there are in the other province. They need their troops in the provinces to stop rebellions from occuring. They would not have nearly enpugh people to hold their ground in the capital once the imperials in the provinces have been destroyed. Think about it, the capital would be the most likely spot to get attacked. It is in the middle of the world and caneasily be attacked from all girections where as the pthers have at most 3 enimies to defend against. THE IMPERIALS CANNOT WIN. THERE WOULD BE NO WAY.
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all they have to do is come back from wherever they were and kick whoevers but is trying to take over thier home!


and I doubt that the other races could try to form an army because without the imperials there would be no law and Chaos

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they have already taken over morrowind if you have not noticed it yet.

Through treaty. THe Dunmer did not fall to the Imperials physical force.


and they ALSO have the orcs

So? How do you even know the orcs would work for the Imperials?


all they have to do is come back from wherever they were and kick whoevers but is trying to take over thier home!


Lets say someone is sieging Cyrodil. They wont just let a troop of guards into the city to defend it...


and I doubt that the other races could try to form an army because without the imperials there would be no law and Chaos

It took The Continental Congress a matter of months to make the Constitution. It could be just as fdast for the other races.

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The imerial pressence in each of the provinces could easily be desroyed. They would not be able to report back if they are dead. The presence that they have can easily be destroyed by the native due to their sheer numbers. The capital does not have th man pwer to stop it from happening. All they could really do is sit back and watch as their empire fall before them. The imperials would be all alone in awar against all in the fact that they are the most likely target. They could not defend them selves from an un-united swarm from even a 1/4 of all the other armies and they would loose with their lack of people who had been killed earlier from the other provinces.
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I am like 100% sure the orc would go with the imperials


and there would be enough soldiers to stop the dunmer and lets say the bosmer but if someone like the redguards also came in then there would be a problem untill the soldiers in other continents come to protect the capital

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There are no aliences in this it is all races for them selves. The imperials would not have the orcs or anypne on their side. They would be al alone. This discussion is about what would happen if all the races were at war and there would be no alliances. The imperials would not have the manpower even with the orcs. They would still be cornered by the other races and would eventually be destroyed. With the continuous sieging the imorials would not be able to get food with all the other races attackind while the others would just get it from their own land. The imperials could easily be starved out.
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