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Progressive skyrim lag


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Hey all,


I've been modding skyrim a bit on a new machine, I've been using and ENB and the LITE version of the 2k texture pack. As I play the game, it gets progressively laggier and laggier.... it starts out completely smooth then after about 2 mins becomes unplayable... I have 8gb of VRM and a GTX 1060 graphics card. I'm using ENBoost with Realvision ENB... though the problem persists even when I disable the ENB. I think it may be a texture memory thing, maybe something I can fix by playing with the skyrimprefs ini, but I'm not sure about performance tweaking. The issue happens no matter what cell I'm in...



Any tips appreciated.

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1.You should read this guide http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32363/? here you can find useful tips and tricks to make your skyrim run better

2.Mod that helped me a lot is called One tweak it allows you to play in borderless mod (I believe this can be archived with ENB try googleing it,this might not help you but it's worth a shot,My skyrim also looks much more smoother and better with it)

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