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Everyting went weird D:


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I started up oblivion for the first time, mad e a character, fun stuff, I had to close the game because I had to change the resolution, but when I loaded the autosave everything wasnt right. I could see the compass and my hp/mp bar, I open up the inventory, that is fine and I can see my character, but the screen was all one color, I could see if the crosshairs were on an item. I tried messin with the video/gameplay settings to no avail. I also tried to make a new character, that even had the one all solid color, The same color infact.


Anyway I wanna be able to play this game, I know the game runs fine because when I had it working it ran fine.


Edit: I even tried going back to what it originally was.

Edited by AlucFahhT
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I started up oblivion for the first time, mad e a character, fun stuff, I had to close the game because I had to change the resolution, but when I loaded the autosave everything wasnt right. I could see the compass and my hp/mp bar, I open up the inventory, that is fine and I can see my character, but the screen was all one color, I could see if the crosshairs were on an item. I tried messin with the video/gameplay settings to no avail. I also tried to make a new character, that even had the one all solid color, The same color infact.


Anyway I wanna be able to play this game, I know the game runs fine because when I had it working it ran fine.


Edit: I even tried going back to what it originally was.


If you are starting up for the first time, and you have no mods installed, it sounds like a hardware/driver issue. Please check the following:


1) Did you purchase the game in a store, or through Steam? If so, when/how old is the disc?

2) Do you have the latest official patch installed?

3) Are your graphic drivers up to date?

4) Is your graphic card overheating / is the fan on the card clogged with dust?

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1. A buddy of mine lemme borrow it.

2. Yes


4. I don't think so, but I am on a laptop, and every other game I run works with no problems.



If you wanna know my specs........


Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit

Intel i3 330m Quad core 2.13Ghz

4GB ram

Intel HD Graphics 1755mb ram


I can play APB reloaded and other higher def games with no problems o.o


The problem I have with this is I can't see piss all.... The color almost looks like my characters skin color (made a dark elf)

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1. A buddy of mine lemme borrow it.

2. Yes


4. I don't think so, but I am on a laptop, and every other game I run works with no problems.



If you wanna know my specs........


Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit

Intel i3 330m Quad core 2.13Ghz

4GB ram

Intel HD Graphics 1755mb ram


I can play APB reloaded and other higher def games with no problems o.o


The problem I have with this is I can't see piss all.... The color almost looks like my characters skin color (made a dark elf)


Well, the specs are good enough. I'm kind of stumped. My only suggestions are:


1) Could the DVD be damaged?

2) Do you have anything running in the background that could be interfering?

3) Is your screen abnormally high-res / did you change to some resolution that wasn't invented when the game was released?

4) Would the problem persist after a reinstall?


Never heard of a similar problem other than the time my graphic card was overheating and everything except the interface went black.

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1. No it has no scratches or marks that I can see

2. Nope, At most Chrome or Steam

3. My screen res is 1600x900 and that is one of the options (if not the biggest)

4. Yes, it would stay there even after I deleted every oblivion file I can find.


It is kinda like everything but thes interface is black, what would be the solution for that? I will try that and see if it works, and I can post the results here.


Also, I can post a screen shot of it if you like.

Edited by AlucFahhT
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Try deleting or renaming the file Oblivion.ini that will be found in Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion NOT the file Oblivion_default.ini that will be found in your game install's Oblivion folder. Renaming it to Oblivionini.old would do the trick. Then start the game as far as the menu and then exit. The game will re-identify your hardware and create a new Oblivion.ini (using the Oblivion_default.ini as a base).


It's an old game an hasn't had any official patches in years. It has trouble recognizing modern hardware. I think your trouble may be from having a high resolution screen (1600 x 900) paired with the Intel HD graphic (on the motherboard using shared memory with the CPU). If the renaming the ini trick gets you back to where the game works again only change one setting at a time when trying to get it to where you want and play a bit before trying the next tweak. It's also a good idea to wait until you've finished the tutorial dungeon and exited the sewers to start graphics tweaking (the game isn't truly taxed until you get out in the world). Make a save just before you exit and are offered the final chance to change your race, birthsign etc. (when you can see the sewer exit in the distance). That way you won't have to redo the sewer if you decide your original choices weren't the best (or next time you create a new character).


Another thing to check is whether or not you have antialiasing (AA) enabled in your graphics control panel. If it has an option to set up profiles for different games then turn off AA for Oblivion (and if no profiles are possible turn it off globally while you troubleshoot).


Here's a link to Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide. It will help you decide which tweaks are the most important.

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Intel HD Graphics 1755mb ram


Specifically what Intel chip !! --- Reason being most Intel chipsets do not support Hardware Transform and Lighting which this and many other games requires (though normally if it is not supported the game just refuses to start )


From Intel on the subject :


The following Intel® processor graphics and integrated graphics support hardware transform and lighting (T&L):


2nd generation Intel® Core™ Processors with Intel® HD Graphics 3000/2000

Intel® HD Graphics

The integrated graphics controller of the Intel® G35, G41, G43, G45, G965, GL40, GL960, GM45, GM965, and GS45 Express chipsets


In most games, transform and lighting calculations can be done with acceptable performance on the processor. A small number of games that specifically check for hardware T&L support can fail to run. Older Intel® integrated graphics products do not have hardware T&L support.


SO looks like it should be supported but there may still be some problems with their implementation of the support !

Edited by JDFan
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