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high DR will effective if you are hacked by melee fighter

high DT will effective if you get a shot from raiders


so I think that depends on your character, are you a shooter, stabber, or both? :D

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Some mods have armor which uses both.


A high enough DT basically grants you 75% DR in the vanilla game. Having more DR on top of that just reduces the percentage of damage taken in total. DR is good against everything, especially fire, explosions and posions as it reduces the amount of damage done by a percentage. It can also never be "broken through" like DT which renders DT quite useless in some circumstances. That said, a good DT will keep you alive a lot longer against low leveled shooters and melee characters.

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I mostly play ranged characters.


So there's no way to directly compare the values? It sounds like only those who are very familiar with the inner workings of the 2 systems can really make any kind of decision regarding which armor is better to wear.

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I had thought that DR reduced damage taken by the amount listed as a percent (15 DR = -15% Damage), and DT simply reduced damage taken by a static amount (15 DT = -15 Damage), making DT universally better point-for-point until you take over 100 damage in a single hit (which won't likely happen, or matter by that point).
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I had thought that DR reduced damage taken by the amount listed as a percent (15 DR = -15% Damage), and DT simply reduced damage taken by a static amount (15 DT = -15 Damage), making DT universally better point-for-point until you take over 100 damage in a single hit (which won't likely happen, or matter by that point).


Exactly. The good thing about DR though is it can't be reduced or ignored by almost any weapon or ammo type, making a DR of 75 better than a DT of 75 (not that armors get that high in the vanilla).

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The concept, as given, is slightly flawed.


DT is Damage Threshold. This is supposed to STOP damage but in effect it does not really work that way. IF you have 10 DT on armor, anything less than 10 damage will have 75% of that damage stopped dead in it's tracks, so you will receive only 3 damage. Anything which does more damage than that will go right through. (I think, I may be wrong)


DR is Damage Resistance, and always takes off a percentage of the damage. So if you take 10 damage and have 50 DR, you'll only take 5 damage. In an unmodded game you can have a maximum of 85 DR.


I'm not sure the specifics of when the two are calculated, so what happens when you have both DR and DT is unclear to me really.

Edited by Jeoshua
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