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Bijin Warmaidens Missing Textures


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Hey all. So I assume most of you have heard of the Bijin NPC retextures, more specifically the Warmaidens version for me. I'm not the most experienced modder, but I know the basics. Now, onto the issue.

So everything seemed to be working fine when I first downloaded the mod, but after a while of me downloading some more mods, the affected NPCs had vanilla faces, were bald, and usually weren't what races they were originally. So, I messed around with the mods a bit, and I tried manually downloading the mod. I tried installing it first without NMM, which failed. They looked like their vanilla selves. I then tried using NMM by installing the mod from the WinRaR file I received after downloading. This worked. And then they cycle repeated, I downloaded a few more mods (which I can't recall at the moment) and this happened (Again). My game runs fine, this is the only issue I have encountered.






If anyone has a fix for this, please let me know. If need be, I can post my load order etc. I chose not to post it on this to save space and reading.


Anyway, like I said, if anyone has any idea how to fix this, or has any experience with this sort of thing, please do tell.


P.S. I've already tried verifying my steam cache. It practically did nothing.

Edited by Dymase
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Purple bodies/objects mean missing textures. Bijin mods all have their own folders for textures and meshes. If someone has purple skin, she's missing a body texture - or the record for this NPC is overwritten by something else.


I'd suggest reinstalling the Warmaidens. Maybe this helps.


As for changing faces/race and so on: Probably a mod conflict. Be careful when using NPC replacers. Make sure they are compatible with the version of the unofficial patch (USLEEP) you got, if you use it (you should, believe me...). Also make sure there are no conflicts, i.e. other mods changing the same NPCs. If you got multiple NPC replacers installed, that alter the same NPCs, weird things will happen.. In general, last esp in your load order simply wins, but if something else about the NPCs is changed, you might get in trouble anyway. Safe solutions: 1. Don't use conflictinmg NPC replacers. 2. Create a TES5Merged Patch (google it, if necessary).

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