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Super simple mod request


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Hey, I've been trying to get some hagraven armor/robes and finally found the maidenraven which adds hagraven women who drop robes. Trouble is I ONLY want the robes, not the women running around too, but I have no idea how to only add the armour to the game, if somebody could somehow just provide a simple edit of the mod mod that included the robes and nothing else I can just spawn it in with the id. Thanks!


P.S: Virtual cookies for people who could suggest other, better feather-y armours for a necromancer.

Edited by TravisGE
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if somebody could somehow just provide a simple edit of the mod mod that included the robes

firstly, that's piracy sir.


second just download the mod open it up and delete the 'Actors' folders from Meshes and Textures. pretty sure that will give you only the cloths.

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Is it still a piracy issue even if the edit isn't uploaded on a site like Nexus?

it is piracy if the edited file is given to anyone. as long as its on your PC you can do whatever you want, otherwise the author has to be asked first.

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Piracy? That comes across as a bit anal but okay. I was going to try do that delete actors thing, I presumed that would work, but I have little knowledge about what's actually in esps, so I didn't know if there would be issues there or not. But I'll try it out anyway, thanks.

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It is potentially copyright infringement, but it depends on how it was copywritten. If I were to ever publish a mod (again), it would be under Creative Commons 4, one of the GPL, or MIT licenses which don't require permission, but credit to all contributors (such as the original mod's author) is required and the derivative mod inherit the licence.




Not at all, that is piracy.


You are being very narrow minded. This is coming from someone who had a mod stolen without credit.


edit2: I will follow up by saying that it's super dickish to not give credit to the original creator. It's also dickish to get upset when someone uses a mod without permission when they have given you full credit for what you did.

Edited by tomtheclone
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It is potentially copyright infringement, but it depends on how it was copywritten. If I were to ever publish a mod (again), it would be under Creative Commons 4, one of the GPL, or MIT licenses which don't require permission, but credit to all contributors (such as the original mod's author) is required and the derivative mod inherit the licence.




Not at all, that is piracy.


You are being very narrow minded. This is coming from someone who had a mod stolen without credit.

Unless the author explicitly states people can upload their mod or change the mod you cannot do anything with it beyond personal private edits on your computer. The original mod author golds the copyright to their mod.

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I'm fully aware of that. However, just because "it's the law" doesn't mean "it's right". Even then, without explicitly stating the copyright terms, it would be hard to fight against someone using your mod. Legally, it is the copyright hold's responsibility to enforce his or her right to his or her IP. There is a threshold, which isn't actually defined, at which point a derived work is sufficiently different from the original that the original right's holder(s) don't actually need to be asked. It's called Fair Use. Normally this is limited parody, review, or criticism, but those aren't required.


Granted a "super simple small change" to a mod, probably wouldn't fall under the umbrella of Fair Use.


Now, if I were to use a model from someone else mod, then write some scripts make an esp for it, and turn all that into a follower mod, that would be a transformative work, and WOULD fall under the umbrella of Fair Use. I'd still pursue the model maker's permission, since it's the courteous thing to do, but it isn't legally required.


In any case case, it's still dickish to get bent out of shape over it, so long as the author is credited, regardless of how large or small the edit is. Seriously, why WOULD you get upset? I mean, in the realm of Academia, authors WANT you to use their work. It inflates our A-peens. The more people cite your paper (use your work) the more significant you are, and the more likely you'll get continued support from your institution/grant board. I don't see the modding community as that different. Here, we aren't trying to expand the body of knowledge, but we are trying to expand the body of a game.

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I'm fully aware of that. However, just because "it's the law" doesn't mean "it's right". Even then, without explicitly stating the copyright terms, it would be hard to fight against someone using your mod. Legally, it is the copyright hold's responsibility to enforce his or her right to his or her IP. There is a threshold, which isn't actually defined, at which point a derived work is sufficiently different from the original that the original right's holder(s) don't actually need to be asked. It's called Fair Use. Normally this is limited parody, review, or criticism, but those aren't required.


Granted a "super simple small change" to a mod, probably wouldn't fall under the umbrella of Fair Use.


Now, if I were to use a model from someone else mod, then write some scripts make an esp for it, and turn all that into a follower mod, that would be a transformative work, and WOULD fall under the umbrella of Fair Use. I'd still pursue the model maker's permission, since it's the courteous thing to do, but it isn't legally required.


In any case case, it's still dickish to get bent out of shape over it, so long as the author is credited, regardless of how large or small the edit is. Seriously, why WOULD you get upset? I mean, in the realm of Academia, authors WANT you to use their work. It inflates our A-peens. The more people cite your paper (use your work) the more significant you are, and the more likely you'll get continued support from your institution/grant board. I don't see the modding community as that different. Here, we aren't trying to expand the body of knowledge, but we are trying to expand the body of a game.

yeah, you're wrong in so many ways... either way this is currently irrelevant to the thread if you wish to discuss the legalities of copyright go start a new thread or PM me i dont care. Also im not upset i was only informing the OP. Edited by qwertyzeldar
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