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Unexpected temporary companion breakage


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Hello! I haven't played Fallout 4 in months. I picked it back up today, no changes to the mods except updating F4SE as that was mandatory, and I am finding I am having sudden issues with temporary companions. I went though ArcJet with Paladin Danse and managed to bull my way though it as when I went to talk to him when it wanted me to I was only getting normal Companion dialog, not the unique quest dialog. Currently I am stuck in Vault 114 as Valentine is doing the same thing, he won't talk to me or unlock the key only door and all I get is normal Companion dialog. Anyone hear of this happening in the mods I run? Thanks!


Pastebin of my Mod List - http://pastebin.com/C7pQq8Vs



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Only a big guess, but you say "dialogue" and I see "No Companion Junk Comments.esp=1", so you might try running without that one as a test.


Truly just a guess though, just going by its name (as I don't use the mod).


Edit: Maybe the Companions adfinity ones, too, but their names don't seem so 'smack dab on topic' as the other one.

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That one's mine, lol. It wouldn't be causing that issue. It just edits a formlist that companions pull from when you pick up tin cans and mops, etc.


EFF is that a follower framework? I had that for Skyrim if it's the same one.


The one for visible companion affinity I also use that and have't had issues. But I don't use the extra esp Affinity Check.


But, IMO, disabling companion-related mods (including mine) might be an idea, just to be sure.

Edited by star-mystyk
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