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Crash on startup


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Hiya everyone!


I'm new to these forums, and I wondered where to put this. My guess is that the problem I have lies with installed mods, so I figured I'd put it here.


The day before yesterday, I installed some mods. I already had mods in my list, but I never crashed (except when I activated Open Cities).

Now, I wanted to install some mods, so I downloaded them. I installed them, but when I booted up my game, it wouldn't start. It shut down at the Bethesda Softworks screen every time I started it.

I tried uninstalling my mods, one by one, each time checking if the game worked again. No such luck. As last resort, I completely reinstalled the game, installed the key mods I wanted, and booted up my game. It crashed again. I decided to try my luck here, because maybe one of you might know what's the problem.


This is my list of mods. I used BOSS to put these in the correct order.



Kvatch Rebuilt.esm








Corthian Akavir Clothing.esp


Gizmodian - Copperthorn.esp

Gizmodian - Shards of Light.esp

Gizmodian - Vicious Heart.esp







pale_rider's Nordic Warrior Armor.esp

pale_rider's Paladin Equipment_enchanted_eng.esp

pale_rider's Paladin Equipment_enchanted_ger.esp

pale_rider's Paladin Equipment_unenchanted_eng.esp

pale_rider's Paladin Equipment_unenchanted_ger.esp




TM's HGEC Ball Gown.esp



Elven Armours.esp


Kvatch Rebuilt.esp




Moonshadow Elves - NoSc.esp

Tabaxi Race 2.0.esp


Aarchduke's - Skyfall.esp

The Amalie-Susanne.esp




eeks Smithing Mod.esp

Madness Chest 01.esp



Greek hero armors and weapons.esp

Gondorian Ranger Gear.esp

Midas Cheat.esp


no recommandation.esp

pale_rider's Pirate Gear_eng.esp

pale_rider's Pirate Gear_ger.esp

Gizmodian - Real Silver Swords.esp


Weather Spells.esp


TriXigTs Serpent Sword.esp


The Relics of Fire and Ice.esp


I hope someone can help me.





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What were the mods that you decided to add to your working game? That will be the shortest list of culprits.


When installing mods it's always recommended to install one at a time (unless you require more than one mod due to mod dependencies, then install the group of related mods). Do a thorough test in the game (the IC Market District is a good choice) and look for problems. If you install one mod and the game stops working it's a trivial matter to troubleshoot.

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What were the mods that you decided to add to your working game? That will be the shortest list of culprits.


When installing mods it's always recommended to install one at a time (unless you require more than one mod due to mod dependencies, then install the group of related mods). Do a thorough test in the game (the IC Market District is a good choice) and look for problems. If you install one mod and the game stops working it's a trivial matter to troubleshoot.


That were these:



The Relics of Fire and Ice.esp


TM's HGEC Ball Gown.esp



Gizmodian - Copperthorn.esp

Gizmodian - Shards of Light.esp

Gizmodian - Vicious Heart.esp



HGEC Body 1.21

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Crash upon startup is 90% of the time casued by a missing/conflicting Master file. Hope that helps.


Additionally, I'd remove the german versions of Pale_rider's paladin gear, unless you are german in which case you should remove the english ones. They are bound to conflict with each.

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I already saw that one (the german english one) and deleted the german files. I installed them using NMM, so I had no knowledge of the double files. I just noticed. But thanks, anyway.

I have again one by one uninstalled the files to see which one is the bad guy, but it kept crashing, even with all of them off. I can't see where the problem lies. Maybe it has nothing to do with the mods, but more something like my laptop. It seems strange to me, though, cause it never had any problems running Oblivion..

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Please check the following:


1) Are you running OBSE? If so, do you have any plugins for OBSE installed?

2) Does any of your mods rely on Oblivion Graphic Extender, if so - is it installed?

3) Is your game and DLC patched to the latest version?

4) Are there language conflicts between the official patch and your game copy? (i.e Do you run an english version of the game with a US patch?)

5) Does Wrye Bash return any errors in the load list? Files highlighted in red/other colors than green?


Even if you disable all your mods and reactivate them one by one, the game will still crash because your save relies on a file that is not there. You should keep all plugins with .esm files checked as well as the esps that belongs with them and then try loading your save.

Edited by Lazuri
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I have found the conflicting files. Strangly, it was between three mods that were installed before this all, but apparantly decided to play up, now.


For the people wanting to know, it was a conflict between Kvatch Rebuilt, Order of the Nibenae, Cloth Gloves and Midas Magic. It's solved now, so I don't have any problems, anymore.


Thanks for taking the time to read this and commenting. I appreciate.



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