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Zabuza's Sword


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A simple mod request to add Zabuza's Sword from the anime Naruto to Skyrim. Because, well.. There aren't enough giant decapitating swords in the game! xD Reference pics below, better if you watch the show but I'm just looking for a skilled sword modder, you think you're up to the task? Be my guest!



Replica sword.



Size comparison. (From the show)



More from the show.


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Important: I'm quite busy atm, not much time so i just did the basic things...it's a replacer for the Daedric Greatsword (2h), i spend no time on texturing so very simple (!) textures - mainly basic colors and the specular map is not quite accurate as well.


So IF you want to enhance it the most important thing would be to download the DDS Plugin for Photoshop or Gimp (free) and edit the .dds and _m.dds (light reflection) for better results! I don't know if it is possible to change the weapons position when it is on the back so there is a clipping error atm - i guess you will be able to change that with the CK. The blood textures should work.


At least you've got something to work with, better than nothing:




Download: http://up.ht/xCjT7M


Copy both NIF files to: ... Skyrim\data\meshes\weapons\daedric\

Copy all 3 DDS files to: ... Skyrim\data\textures\weapons\daedric\


Craft/buy the weapon ingame or open the console (Key ^) and enter:

player.additem 000139B7 1


I pointed out the different parts on the texture, easier to find if you want to edit the DDS file..i used the automatic UV unwrap function to save time so the parts got mixed up but the most important and visible one is the blade itself, is in one part and easy to edit:





Edited by ghosu
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Well you can download and use the base model as well...it works ingame, not looks perfect since i really have no time - i try to help as many people as possible, atm i'm doing a new tutorial so really really no time for detail work :biggrin:
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Well you can download and use the base model as well...it works ingame, not looks perfect since i really have no time - i try to help as many people as possible, atm i'm doing a new tutorial so really really no time for detail work :biggrin:

Wow sorry for the late reply but I never would've guessed to get such a fast reply to this haha, but really that's really awesome, looks good already. I'd love to pick up with it and improve since you're busy but I've never modded a day in my life and I'd just fail. :P But yeah maybe one of these days I'll pick up modding, I love mods but just don't have the skill or know-how to mod myself.
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