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Why the Preston Garvey hate?


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I always thought it was weird that Preston Garvey got so much hate from fans of Fallout 4.


I found this really obscure guy on youtube. He presented what I think is a pretty interesting argument for why people hate Preston.




What do you guys think?


I was just reading this story on Cracked.com last night: 5 Fictional Characters Who Don't Deserve Our Hate


It makes a lot of good points about pop culture characters that for some reason inspired misguided waves of popular vitriol. Their #1 on the list? Jar Jar Binks.

Cracked's arguments for Jar Jar are hardly comperable to Preston Garvey. The Sole Survivor was never "dragged" into joining the Minutemen. You have to agree to join them - which you don't have to do - before he'll start laying radiant quests on you. You have to agree to help the people of Tempines Bluff before he'll ask you to join the Minutemen.


Not even remotely the point.

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1. Stebbinsd, if that's an excuse, then sure, I'm also just having an effing good time talking about how much he doesn't know jack squat about what he's talking about. In fact, I'm having the time of my life. Didn't start that way, but the way your flailing to defend him is turning out, to the point where you actually argue against expecting someone lecturing on a topic to actually know the lore or using proper logic, now that's starting to be hilrious.


So then it's all ok, if I'm having an effing good time, right? That IS what you're saying?


He's having an effing good time misrepresenting other people's actual complaints into ridiculous strawmen. I'm having an effing good time pointing the lack of even the most basic knowledge or research on his part. So then it's all good, right? "Having an effing good time" excuses it all, right? That IS what you're saying, right?


Or is it an excuse only when HE does it, but god forbid that the bad man dares even disagree with the VGA guy? Nah. You wouldn't be going double-standard about it, right?



2. But more importantly, did you forget already the thread YOU started? Because that's not the topic. If the topic were "is this youtuber having fun?" then, yes, his fun level would be relevant.


But that's not the thread you started, silly. The thread is called "Why the Preston Garvey hate?" and you start by stating that you thought the VGA guy had a point. Remember now?


Yet it doesn't even take too pages for you to try to derail it into that he was just having an effing good time, and those people addressing his arguments are meanies if they expect him to know the lore, do even minimal research, or use good logic. Seriously? Ran out of any actual arguments already?


If you're at the point where your only argument is just that he's having fun, and that expecting him to have any actual expertise or use proper logic is some elitist meanie thing, it seems to me like we're at the point where you conced that no, he's not right. As far as the question you asked in messaghe #1, you just reached your answer, isn't it?



3. Totally irrelevant to his being right or wrong, by now you make me genuinely curious: what's your problem, Beavis? I mean, I can imagine that you agree with some youtuber or another, and/or disagree with me. That's fine. But at the point where you start flailing about such issues as why I didn't leave a message under his videos, or how mean and elitist is to expect him to actually have a point... it's pretty blatantly not about whether he's right or wrong about Preston, is it?


I can't imagine you devote as much effort to defending every single guy who talks out the rear about a game, so what is different about the VGA guy? Do obscure youtubers get adoring fans like the one in Oblivion? Is he family? You know him IRL? Or what?


I mean, I could understand it if you WERE him, but for the sake of my sanity, I prefer to think that people don't resort to creating adoring sockpuppets and talking about themselves in third person, all for just a few extra clicks and half a cent in advertising money. Maybe for something more important, but not for that. So you're not him, I will assume. So, just for curiosity sake, what is it to you?

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So now having "an effing good time" while talking about how other people are wrong is trolling? Is that what you're saying?


Because in that case I'm pretty sure you just called the VGA guy a troll :tongue:


Because he IS talking about how other people are wrong (to hate Preston), and YOU brought up that he's just "having an effing good time" while doing so. Seems to me like if you say that 1+2=3 for me, then 1+2=3 for him too.


In any case, I think I presented some actual arguments for why he's wrong. It's kinda telling that you have to tell yourself that that's "trolling," rather than actually even try a coherent argument in refutation.

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Gotcha. When he poopoos other people's actual arguments, and has to turn them into his own strawmen for that, of course he's not insulting. And your accusing me of making stuff up, nah, that's not insulting either. But if I poopoo HIS arguments, that's obviously insulting. Heh. Double-standard much?


Anyway, as I was saying, I don't give much of a damn about your ego-stroke. Sure, feel free to think that the bad man is a troll or whatever floats your boat. But that's irrelevant to the actual topic, so can you just keep it in your head? The only relevant question is, do you actually have an argument that he has a point, or is this silly show BECAUSE you ran out of actual arguments?

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Also, if you insist on bringing up trolling, sure, let's talk about trolls. How about this:


- In message #14 in this thread you claim, "This thread right here is literally the first time I (and I presume the VGA guy also) have heard anyone complain about the way Preston dumps quests on you." And also, "Gee, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you're trying to come up with new reasons to hate Preston after the most popular excuses have already been debunked by him!"


- Just 4 days ago YOU personally opened the Fewer Minutemen quests thread in the mod requests section with this line: "One of the most annoying parts of the Minutemen faction is how Preston will give you radiant quests as soon as you talk to him, before you can even talk to him about anything else." And apparently it's annoying enough to ask for a mod to deal with it.


Yet just 3 days later, you claim that you haven't even heard that complaint before, and that's something people are making up on the spot. Let me reiterate, just 3 days after YOU YOURSELF wrote the complaint you now claim you never knew existed.


Alzheimer's? Dishonesty? Trolling? Or WTH?


Seriously, what's even the point of this thread as a whole? What's the point of arguing that people are in some way misguided in their disliking Preston, when you yourself called his act "one of the most annoying parts" a mere couple of days ago? What's the point in accusing me of just making up that people ever complained about that part of Preston's behaviour, just to disagree with the VGA guy apparently, when you just made that exact complaint yourself?


I mean, I'd understand the whole act if you geneuinely had no problem with Preston. Some people seem to have a hard time believing that someone disliked what they personally liked, or liked what they personally disliked. So some brow-beating may ensue when they meet someone who thinks otherwise. God forbid admitting that they're not the platinum standard of gamer tastes. But WTH is the POINT of trying to force the idea that a complaint is either mis-guided or even made up, when you actually already aggreed with that exact complaint?

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I see the complaint about the unavoidable Minutemen quests fairly often.

The thing is, once you agree to lead the Minutemen, you are in the business of protecting settlements and their settlers. So, should those settlements be stagnant, where nothing ever happens to them, or only happens when it's convenient to you? No. And there's the point: you are not required to complete these quests, but there is a consequence when you decide not to (settlers die).

So, you can either go about your business on your personal quest (or whatever it is you're wandering around doing), or you can do the job you agreed to do and protect people. Either way, life goes on. Failing a Minutemen quest does not negatively impact your game other than you having one less settler, and some settlers being grumpy with you as a result. Rumor has it that failing a *lot* of them might cause a settlement to leave your network, but then, if you're blowing off most of them (and keep in mind you have to keep going back to Preston or the Castle or listen to the Minutemen radio station to get more), why even bother joining the Minutemen?

The issue as I see it is not that you're given quest after quest to help/defend/rescue people, it's that YOU are given the quests. You're general of a network. Eventually you have checkpoints all across the commonwealth. Yet not once can you send a squad of Minutemen to go do a quest when you're busy with something else. Having an option every X number of quests to autocomplete one (no xp, no rewards, just completes the quest) by assigning a squad to do it, with X becoming a smaller and smaller number the larger the Minutemen network gets (especially once you retake the Castle), would make a lot of sense, but no such mechanic was included.

Preston ends up with all the hate, but he's only one of three ways to get those quests. If you don't want to do so many of the quests, turn off your Minutemen radio, stay away from the Castle, and don't check back in with Preston. Or get one of the many mods that reduce them. But Preston really doesn't deserve the hate for it.


As an aside, I've heard people complain, not that he gives too many quests, but that he's boring, too "nice", etc. Fine. Don't join the Minutemen. Go be a BoS soldier, or take over the NukaWorld raiders. To each their own, and you don't have to be a Minuteman to complete the main story. Or even to gain settlements.

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