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Which is Better?


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Hey i'm new to the moding scene and wanted to know which was better. CM Partners or TalkiToasters CompanionShareRecruit? can anyone give me a recomendaiton break don pros cons?
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You're in luck, since I've been using both for some time. ;)


CM Partners:


-Must be applied via characters that you create in the CS; otherwise comes with three "basic" companions.

-Mostly useful for those with at least a little modding skill and/or a nice face in mind.

-Can't be used to grab random NPCs.

-Allows you to tell companions to sleep, eat, drink, go find weapons or armor, etc.

-Does not require OBSE.

-Does not come with a way to "call" your companion, and they can easily get lost unless you use something else like Toaster's or Companion Mark and Recall.

-Companions are tagged essential and can't be permanently "killed.




-Cannot be used to create a "companion" character; you would have to create the character, place them in the CS, and recruit them manually in-game.

-Can be used to recruit anyone including random NPCs (doesn't work well with guards or other duplicated NPCs due to Oblivion's AI limitations).

-Has more limited companion orders than CM Partners.

-In recent versions, does require OBSE.

-Is more friendly to large numbers of companions, with a "unit" organizing system already in place.

-Don't get too attached, because recruiting doesn't make someone essential - they can and will die on you.

-Comes with spell system for recalling companions to you, thus preventing them from getting lost.



These are fully compatible sets of scripts, so I use both of them - I make custom companions with the CM scripts in the CS and then usually recruit them with both systems so that I can use Toaster's script to keep them from permanently wandering off.


CM Partners tend to have a mind of their own and will often do their own thing, including randomly attacking people and/or things if their alignment dictates it. Toaster companions are more likely to slavishly obey exactly what you tell them to do.


The bottom line is that CM is better for roleplaying and Toaster's is better for convenience, IMO; but like I said, you can always use both.

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You're in luck, since I've been using both for some time. ;)


CM Partners:


-Must be applied via characters that you create in the CS; otherwise comes with three "basic" companions.

-Mostly useful for those with at least a little modding skill and/or a nice face in mind.

-Can't be used to grab random NPCs.

-Allows you to tell companions to sleep, eat, drink, go find weapons or armor, etc.

-Does not require OBSE.

-Does not come with a way to "call" your companion, and they can easily get lost unless you use something else like Toaster's or Companion Mark and Recall.

-Companions are tagged essential and can't be permanently "killed.




-Cannot be used to create a "companion" character; you would have to create the character, place them in the CS, and recruit them manually in-game.

-Can be used to recruit anyone including random NPCs (doesn't work well with guards or other duplicated NPCs due to Oblivion's AI limitations).

-Has more limited companion orders than CM Partners.

-In recent versions, does require OBSE.

-Is more friendly to large numbers of companions, with a "unit" organizing system already in place.

-Don't get too attached, because recruiting doesn't make someone essential - they can and will die on you.

-Comes with spell system for recalling companions to you, thus preventing them from getting lost.



These are fully compatible sets of scripts, so I use both of them - I make custom companions with the CM scripts in the CS and then usually recruit them with both systems so that I can use Toaster's script to keep them from permanently wandering off.


CM Partners tend to have a mind of their own and will often do their own thing, including randomly attacking people and/or things if their alignment dictates it. Toaster companions are more likely to slavishly obey exactly what you tell them to do.


The bottom line is that CM is better for roleplaying and Toaster's is better for convenience, IMO; but like I said, you can always use both.

Thanks for all the good info SickleYield.

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Yes thank you Sickle yeild again you never ceas to amaze me but one thing i would also like to ask is that the two versions of CSR seem very diffrent from eachother and i was wondering if they are compatible because i wanted to use some functions of the Old CSR along with the new mainly recruiting creatrues and recruitng and sharing with those that do not have the rumors option. such as adoring fan i know there are several mods that up him but i'd rather do it mysellf again thanks alot
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Heh intrestingly enough bothe versions of CRS work togather perfectly beleive me i tried i'm pretty sure it's because the mechanics are so diffrent from eachother the old one is best for recruiting creatrues and NPC's that dont have the rumors option (Ala some nice Glass for Captian Mattius and your own pet wolf)
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