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"wait here" command bug


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I have incurred a strange and very annoying bug along my quest. The wait here command for my follower does not work properly. When approaching and talking to my follower it does not work at all, however if I try holding use at a distance the wait here command works but will not allow the follow me command to work in turn. I have a level 19 character and only yesterday did this issue come up. This issue also affects the "its time to part ways" command. Has anyone encountered this problem or know of a solution to it? Please advise
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That sounds like a reversal of the problem I was having. Instead of the commands not working, they super imposed themselves over my regular player actions so that everything I did was a follower command. I could not enter buildings or exit towns and could only get around by fast travel. Eventually the bug seemed to just "work itself out" as I now appear to be fully back to normal. Not exactly the same but link to my thread on these forums is down below if you're interested. My apologies for length of content.



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That sounds much more annoying than my bug. The same thing also seems to have happened in this case. It just fixed itself. Actually it replaced this bug with one that wont let me mine, i dual wield pickaxes and tried both the use command and the axe swing method to no avail.
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