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Editing creature movement speed?


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I'm trying to edit a creature right now and I've been using the SpeedMult settings to enhance the speed of movement but it doesn't seem to be doing anything at all. I've been reading that SpeedMult on creatures only changes animations speeds, is this true? If it is true what values do I need to edit to make the animal move faster or if there is no value where is a spell or such that I can add to improve movement speed? Thank you for your help!

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Messed with the movement speed for hours, nothing changes no matter how I edit the race or the MT file numbers itself. Even making new files to replace the old and inputting them into the proper race in multiple locations for testing purposes with several sets of drastically changed digits does nothing. If anyone know what could be causing this or how to setup/edit and change creature movement speed for a companion please help me out here because this is slowly driving me mad.

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To be honest, I have no way of looking right now, so this is fully off the top of my head. Combat style could play a roll in things not working like you intend, too...but that's stretching a bit


Ooo, when you're testing movement changes, are you testing with a newly loaded actor, not one that already existed in your save?

I mean, you don't save with the actor in front of you, change some stuff and then come right back into that save with the actor still right there in front of you. Doing so could cause the changes to not take effect.

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I have been playing a lot with these numbers so I'll post my findings..


SpeedMult = controls actors walking, running and sprinting speed


AnimationMult = controls everything but not gun fire rate.. for example it controls movement speed, melee attack speed etc..


The numbers work differently too. In the actor tab stats:

SpeedMult: 125.00 -> 25% faster movement speed

AnimationMult 15.00 -> 15% faster everything(but gun fire rate?) and it seems to be multiply with speedmult.. for movement speed.

WeapReloadSpeedMult 0.50 -> 50% faster reload speed.

BlahBlah.. seems to be right, you need clean save propably when editing actor tab.



These numbers are easy to test in game with console. Type help speedmult 4 and then help animationmult 4 and then click some actor and do setav xxxx value. Careful with animationmult, too much and everything becomes very goofy and ai confused. For example, with ton of animation+speed mult, your actor is walking next to cliff.. with those multis he will run and fall, lol.

Edited by vkz89q
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@BlahBlah You may be right with the clean save; haven't tried that out yet since all the edits prior carried properly over to the current game.


@Vkz Thanks for the further information, I'm going to thoroughly test out the console commands before proceeding any further with editing the actual creation kit to see exactly what is going on.



Edit: Found it it was the issue with not having a new save; seemed to working just fine having the SpeedMult despite being a creature; thanks for the help!

Edited by Zazuban
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