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CTD in Ragged Flagon...but not the Cistern?


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Like the topic title says, I've just gotten into Riften and begun the quests there--and any entrance into the Ragged Flagon (as well as COC console command) causes crashes to desktop.


But weirdly, the Cisten works fine. I got there via console command--no crashes or odd behavior.


Anyone know about an obvious go-to that might cause a crash only for the Ragged Flagon? It doesn't seem like something that would reset over a few days.


EDIT: So, the cause is Vex...because if I move Vex to my position via the console, the game crashes as well. But I disabled the two mods I have that affect Vex and I've never met her in game and the same thing happens (the Unofficial Patch, and one that changes her appearance)...by contrast, other Ragged Flagon NPCs work fine.


Anyone know what I can do to fix this?


EDIT EDIT: Figures I finally post about this and then figure it out 10 minutes later--something's breaking the Guild Master armor, not Vex herself.

Edited by Synthesis
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