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Did sneaking get tweaked in 1.4?


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I had started a sneak character back in 1.3. At one stadium it appeared that I was virtually undetectable seeing that I was also a vampire (I could move right in front of an enemy like mad and they wouldn't notice me).


So I ended up searching for a mod and found the PISE sneak mod and played with that until 1.4. However after the patch I started noticing I'm getting detected way to easy and things just "felt off", so I disabled it.

To my surprise I could not abuse sneak in vanilla like I did previously. When I move around like mad in front of an enemy they actually take notice now.


No idea if it's because I just went over lvl20 with my character or if it was change in the patch. Sneaking actually feels right now...

Edited by HideInLight
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I'll try my sneak character and I'll say what I'll experience. I've also been a sneak assassin and a vampire and I've noticed what you said about 1.3 version. It's as if enemies were blind and deaf lol! But I haven't played at 1.4 yet.

BTW I passed level 20 and sneaking only got easier after that :thumbsup:

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Spoke to soon when it comes to Illia, she is still bugged. At least I now know what bugs her (loading a save game after you recruited her).


Trying to sneak behind someone with a light source is hard now, it's almost as if they hear you more easy.I'm [laying with a gamepad and noticed enemies are very sensitive to how fast your moving now while crouched.


I don't really use invisivility, only on rare occasions.

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Tangent: I wish there were sneaky enemies. Like maybe they'd blur and fade and move quickly behind you and such. Not really an apples to apples comparison, but I still kind of miss that aspect of Dragon Age, for what it's worth, where my rogue's favorite opponents were always other rogues, the more skilled, the better. I loved my RP inner dialogue of, "back at you," "oh, you're good, too," "two can play at that game," or just both disappearing from view, waiting to see who slips up first.
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Same things been happening to me. Dunno whats going down its making things less fun.


My targets litteraly now have eyes at the back of their heads =(

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