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The Elder Scrolls VI Maybe?


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Yeah, So the world just was exposed to the awesome radiating from Skyrim, And now are suffering from Awesome Poisoning, But what about another one? Who WOULDNT want another TES game! (aside from those haters who only play COD). I mean, It would be awesome! There are two places I'd love to see (there arent too many options left...) Either:

TES VI: Elsweyr


TES VI: Black Marsh!


Who wouldnt love that! I would mostly be excited for Elsweyr if it was made, Because it would be awesome! I would love to see Khajiit play an important role in a game. what do you think? Tell me!

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wait 4-6 years and you'll have it

pretty much


Whether I buy it or not depends on Bethesda ditching this Steam nonsense. With a bit of luck their arrangement will have run out by then.

yeah, fist i buy skyrim, then i have to wait 5 hours to download an update 20 minutes after i got it, then i found out i cant play it, and I had to download steam in the process! WE SHOULDNT NEED THE INTERNET WHEN WE HAVE A DISK!

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