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[RELz] [UTILITY] [F4SE] Autoload - Launch-to-game and bypass the main menu.

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When creating mods, loading the game up again and again and clicking through the menu every time to test a mod can quickly get tiresome.


Autoload allows you to bypass the main menu and open-to-game with no additional clicks required. It also adds a couple of bells-and-whistles to aid you in multitasking, including flashing the window when the game has loaded, or automatically activating the game window.


Bethesda's plugin hotload feature is very useful, but the nature of the mods that I create often requires me to re-launch the game. I made this as a productivity tool to minimize iteration times.



  • Bypass the main menu and go straight-to-game on launch.
  • Load either a fixed save, or your most recent save matching certain criteria (non-autosaves only, named saves only, etc.)
  • Automatically run a post-load console command to set up your character for testing (e.g. give items/materials, equip items, etc.)
  • Flash or bring the Fallout 4 window to the front when the game has finished loading, so that you can work on other things during loads.
  • Suppress the "Mods are loaded, achievements are disabled" message box when loading a custom-named save.
  • Optionally suppress the missing content message box.


Fallout 4 v1.10.64

F4SE v0.3.0 or higher.




Open Data\F4SE\autoload.ini to configure Autoload.


Here is a list of settings.



  Reveal hidden contents




  • You can configure the action to take when holding down the Shift key when the game starts. By default, this will skip autoload. You can also set it to autoload only if you have the Shift key held down.
  • Hold the Shift key when loading a save to make that save the autoloaded savegame in future loads.


The F4SE team, for F4SE.

Thanks to tim-timman for introducing the concept of instant-loading to me!

I (and possibly you) would still be clicking through menus otherwise.



All releases: Github Releases

Latest automatic build: Appveyor






Autoload v1.4 for game version v1.10.64.

Autoload v1.3 for game version v1.10.50.

Autoload v1.2 for game version v1.10.26.

Autoload v0.9 for game version v1.9.4.

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sPostLoadCommand will accept the same syntax as sStartingConsoleCommand, just use semicolons to separate commands. i.e. tcai;cl off


You can also run a batch file with the bat <filename> command.


The difference is that sStartingConsoleCommand runs at the main menu (before your character loads) so you can't use it to set up gear and make character-specific changes, whereas sPostLoadCommand will run after your character is loaded.

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Ive been using this since you posted it on the discord chat and it has worked flawlessly! This mod has reduced so much of the pain associated with testing a mod ingame. This will be a main stay in my developer environment for now on. Thank you for executing and sharing such a wonderful idea!

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  On 3/30/2017 at 10:39 AM, Attackpony said:

Will this F4SE create dependencies when used to launch a mod?

No, this tool is for launching a save game. This tool does not modify existing mods and existing mods do not need to be modified to use it, in fact mods have nothing to do with this mod. This tool allows you to autoload a save game without navigating the main menu.


Install it like you would with any other F4SE plugin.

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