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Mods with no meshes


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I recently got FO3 on my PC (so i dont have a great knowledge of moddin etc) and i downloaded a couple of weapon and armour packs. Now for some reason none of the meshes seem to appear on the mods. all i get are odd colours and patterns. i'll put some screenshots up if it helps :/
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Learning to install mods can be tricky. I'd recommend this tutorial from the Nexus wiki


How to install mods for Fallout 3


From the info you have provided, it is not possible to say exactly what went awry. But if you post some screens of the contents of your Fallout 3 folder and it's Data folder, i'd be willing to take a look...


Edit - Also make sure you have used ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated.

Edited by eric31415
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I just downloaded ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated. when i opened it, it says it cant find the Fallout.ini file and asks me to locate it. I cant find it either. i've done a search for it in the appropriate folders and still i get nothing. If it helps, im playing a Steam downloaded version of the game so the game isnt located in My Document/Games its in Program Files under Steam. So confused right now :/



Sorted. Found it :/ i really am a dope at this kind of thing :P

Edited by RoUsEy66
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Thus ends my missing mesh mishap :P Working fine now ive got the archiveinvalidation etc Thanks a lot :) i would never have thought of that, im the sort of person who doesnt really read instruction manuals then wonders why somethings broken after ive spent 10 minutes fiddling with it to get it working :L But you probably already guessed that XD Once again, THANKS :D
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ini file are located in my document/mygames, try to search there where you should find fallout.ini and falloutpref.ini. And from the screenshot yes that is most likely cause the fallout cant find the replacer texture which can be avoid by ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated or you did'nt placed the textures file corectly in textures folder...


if you start to use many mod and increasing it better to order them with mod manager, i advised you to get NMM or FOMM (integrated with ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated i'f i remember corectly)

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I sorted the previous problem, however i now have another. Man im such a jackass at this sort of thing :/ I installed the PDA pipboy mod, realised it didnt work correctly when using an xbox controller and then uninstalled as how was explained on the read me. Unfortunately the hand animation still remains so rather than looking at his pipboy, my character looks at an empty hand. Any suggestions?? ive tried equipping a pipboy via console command as some people have suggested but that didnt work. Theres a pipboy on his arm, but he only looks at his hand.
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