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"The Past and the Present"


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This is continued from my previous thread. You'll probably have to read that first. Click here to view it.



2050, Czech Republic


Three armoured men looked at each other, crowded inside of a building. They each were wearing extremly heavy and protective armour, plated so that a hollow point would just bounce right off. Explosive may do something, but barely. They each had an LMG, unknown name, just very powerful, and loaded with hollow points. Outside was a checkpoint for the Army of the New Earth. One smiled.


"For the Resistance," he said, putting his helmet on. He grabbed his LMG, and stood up, kicking the door open and running out. The other two followed. A soldier turned around.


"Halt!" he shouted. The leading armoured man shot the soldier several times. The other two armoured men shot the other soldiers outside the checkpoint. A frag grenade bounced off the plates of an armoured man, the front one. It exploded, but did nothing. The armoured men continued down the street, shooting everything. Cars exploded, and bodies began to line the roads as civilians ran for cover. A helocopter dropped several people off, but an armoured men dropped his LMG and pulled an RPG off his back. He shot a rocket, that hit the helo. It crashed and exploded, killing the people around it. Trucks continued to unload riot control, though it was useless.


"Give us our freedom, or die by us taking it by force!" the lead soldier shouted as loud as he could.



Resistance HQ, 2050


Erik sat back, listening to the stories the other men told. Bryan looked around.


"I remember the day where I joined the Marine core to fight the armies. People told me it was pointless, but I didn't want to accept that. No one did. We were all lucky to survive," he said.


"We still risk our lives, but for a greater point," the Commander said. He sat back, thinking of how he started the Resistance.



Apartment Complex H 8710, 2049


The Commander, who went by Imran by the time, sat back in his chair, staring at his TV. He watched the news as civilians were massacred for apparent treason. What wasn't treason? He sat foward on his chair as another man came through his door.


"What's going on?" Imran asked.


"I met several people who were fleeing the Army, that means I'll be given up if they are found. I commited treason," the man replied.


"Aaron, if there's a reason for living here, it's because they won't suspect anything," Imran said. Aaron sighed.


"I wish I could do something about this. Like fight. But it's not possible." Imran got out of his chair.


"Really? Follow me." The two men went into a walk in closet, lined with shelves. The shelves held up guns and ammo. a lot of guns and ammo.


"Where the heck did you get this stuff?" Aaron asked.


"Nevermind that, grab a rifle, and let's find those 'friends' of yours."



Resistance HQ, 2050


Erik sighed.


"Everyone shares stories, but we should be out there fighting," he said.


"In due time," the Commander asked.


"Wait, so you're real name is Imran?" Bryan asked.


"A name that I once went by. But I don't anymore," the Commander replied. Bryan nodded.



That very next morning, same exact place and year


Erik awoke to the sounds of a tank. Or something like that. He jumped out of bed and grabbed his rifle, running outside. He saw the Commander and several other people testing a small drone, looked like a tank, as it shot targets and moved aorund.


"Impressive right?" a man asked.


"Very. Get a thousand more of these, and the cash is yours," the Commander replied.


"Deal." The strange man walked off. The commander turned around.


"Good morning. And what are you doing? Showing off you're gun?" he joked. Erik sighed, slipping the gun onto his back.


"Still getting into the hang of things," he replied.


"You should just remember that this place is as safe as Area 51 was," Bryan said, stepping out of the HQ.


"Did you hear the news? People really are reacting now. In the Czech Republic, a checkpoint was torn apart," the Commander said.


"Not surprised. They're strong people over there. I hope everyone follows," Bryan said.




Just another short story about this little thing going on. Hopefully everyone enjoys.

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