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Vertibird causing ridiculous damage spike.


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I've gone through and disabled all of my mods, I'm down to the vanilla game and this is still happening, so whatever it is is probably a permanent script change done by one of my mods, I have no idea how to fix that so some help would be appreciated.


This is affecting Laser weapons only


I am on Shadow of Steel at the Cambridge Police Station. Before boarding the vertibird Righteous Authority in my inventory is doing about 38 damage. As soon as I board the vertibird I hear the sound of an item entering my inventory (The little clicking sound) and I open my inventory to find that Righteous Authority is now doing over 600 damage. This applies to all laser rifles, including ones in random drops, on npcs, and being sold by vendors. Again I'm not experienced with bug fixing, so any help would be appreciated. If someone can instruct me on how to export my load order from MO2 I will gladly do that. Also, I'd need to know how to make a spoiler section to post it so it's not a great big wall of text. Thank you in advance!

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Ouch. So it modifies the base weapon record? Dang, I didn't even know that was possible to do by script. In fact, the consensus (as far as _I_ know, which admittedly may not say much) seemed to be that it's flat out impossible to do that by script.


Hmm... I suppose it would be possible to attach a magic effect or something to every laser in the game, or something, though it seems kinda overkill. Or I guess it would be possible to remove it from your inventory and replace it with a modded weapon, which would explain the sound.


Maybe you have -- or rather, HAD -- some mod that's supposed to make BOS soldiers in vertibirds tougher in some very non-kosher way?


I suppose if all else fails, you can always uninstall and reinstall the whole game, to revert all scripts to the original. Though if your ISP sucks half as badly as mine, that's a cruel and unsuual punishment by itself.

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I've got the durable vertibird's mod, but uninstalling that didn't fix anything. Atleast not without starting a new game, which I'd really hope to avoid. If that is the case I don't need to reinstall because of how MO2 handles mods. nothing is actually installed in the base game, it's all stored in seperate folders, so I can make a new "profile" and be back to vanilla.

Edited by Stormline09
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Not sure about that one then. Idunno. I still have no clue on a load order. The only other thing I have that would modify weapon damage is Unique Uniques, which if that were the case should only effect Righteous Authority. IDK Would PLUNDER do it??

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Wait... Hold on a minute... I have ave gone full stupid. This change occured (Granted I had never ridden a vertibird before on this save) after installing the Lasers have no recoil mod... though that doesn't really touch damage it could theoretically cause an issue... but again, turning it off with the rest of the batch yielded no results. Maybe if I just turn it off by its self? I'll give that a go,



Edit: Gave it a go, didn't work

Edited by Stormline09
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